Thursday, November 29, 2012

Early Christmas shopping

I told Matt this morning on the way home that I didn't even need to set my alarm for this afternoon, because I always wake up between 11-12 after my last shift. My internal clock totally failed me and I finally stumbled out of bed at 1:30. Oh well, I guess I needed the sleep!

This afternoon I finished up my brothers Christmas present and wrapped his, Caylee's, and moms...which I just got in the mail today!! I only need to finish up my dad and McKenzie and I'm done, way early!

Matt came over for dinner, and now Macie and I are relaxing watching the Falcons game. Since I didn't make time for a run today I'll definitely be getting up early to squeeze in a short one before heading into the office until 3. Then we're headed home!

Day 29- thankful I really, really enjoy buying gifts for others. 
And I'm thankful for my beautiful Christmas tree, that will hopefully have its tree skirt I ordered Sunday soon!

Korean Macie

Christmas present from my parents!! It's already packed back up and wrapped :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New ornament!

Nothing new around here :) I slept today, got up and did some tae bo, and now I'm here at work.
I did get my Christmas present from mom and dad in the mail today! I kept most of it in the box to wrap and open later, but I did pull out the ornament I got "free" with my purchase!

Day 28- I'm not going to lie, I'm thankful November is almost over! It's too much pressure to remember to blog every day, especially when my life gets super boring throughout my nightshifts :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cuddle bugs

Matt sent me that picture earlier tonight of Macie and Cooper snuggling, only it was rightside up before I posted it- grrr. They love each other :)

Today was uneventful. I got a good days worth of sleep and then popped up at 3:30 to go for a 4 mile run. Since I didn't run yesterday or Sunday I was really craving a good run; usually I don't run between my night shifts because I'm so sleepy!

I'm getting excited about wrapping this work week up and heading home for the weekend! I'm supposed to work a few hours at the peds office Friday, but I'm hoping to get out of there by 3 or so. Then Matt and I are going to head to the race expo and pick up mine and Meg's race packet for the 10k Saturday morning. Saturday we'll get up and run, I'll get my hair cut (and highlighted!), and then it'll be time for the Georgia vs Alabama game at Meg's house. We're doing an appetizer night and taking it easy :)

Day 27- thankful for a traffic-free ride into work these past two nights. Especially after the terrible trips in last week!

Monday, November 26, 2012

A few days late

Sorry for being MIA again.  I called out sick Friday night from work and spent the rest of the weekend at the Thomas'. Friday we celebrated Christmas since it'll be at the in-laws this year. Matt, Stephanie, and I picked out a tree and picked up the steaks for the "Christmas feast". We got the tree home safe and sound and then we had light disaster from there on out! Matt has convinced me to throw out my lights with the tree every year, and I used to think it was a waste of money, until now! At some point every strand of lights we put on the tree went out...Stephanie ended up exchanging fuses and adding extension cords to get it to work. The night was fun and the kids spread their excitement over opening gifts so early. I got a stocking full of goodies, a blender, and a running shirt (that I immediately tried out the next morning...and loved it!)

Saturday I packed the dogs back up and Matt picked us up so I wouldn't have to drive back and forth again. I spent the night there since there were fewer people staying the night. We all watched the UGA vs GT game at noon and then Margaret, Chris and the kids left shortly after, followed by Brandi and Miley. It ended up being Matt and I, Hal and Steph, Megan and Scott, and their parents watching the USC vs Clemson game together..and boy were they touchy throughout the entire game! I was exhausted and fell asleep for a quarter or so :)

Sunday morning we got up super early in order to drive Macie back to my apartment before church so we wouldn't have to go back and pick her up. After church we had lunch at Atlanta Bread Company and then hit up Cold Stone for the first time in forever! It was sooooo good, and we got a pint to-go also! Then we picked out a Christmas tree with rapid speed in order to get back home for the Falcons game. We ended up relaxing, decorating the tree, and watching football for the rest of the night. It was so, so nice to have some quality time together.

Today, or technically it's yesterday now, I slept in until 8:15 and then proceeded to clean my apartment all day...and decorate for Christmas :)

Now I'm at work, counting down the hours until I can be home in bed!

Day 23- thankful I can (and did) call out sick from work

Day 24- thankful for Saturday college football...and margaritas

Day 25- thankful for ice cream and Christmas trees

Day 26- thankful Matt cleaned out my sink and bathtub (my two least favorite things to clean!)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today has been a great, whirlwind kind of day! Since I worked last night, I came home quickly as possible and took a 1 1/2 hour nap, thanks to Matt. He stayed at my apartment last night with Cooper and Macie and he made me lay down on the couch and rest right when I got home. After my quick nap I jumped in the shower and then we got to work making the mac & cheese for lunch. We loaded up the presents, food, and dogs and were on the road by 11. Lunch was fun! There were 19 people at the house, 5 of those being kids under the age of 4, so needless to say it was nuts! 

Since Thanksgiving was at the Thomas' this year, Christmas will be at the in-laws, so tomorrow we'll be celebrating Christmas with everyone. There's a big group going to N Augusta in the morning for paw paw's 83rd birthday and the rest of us are picking out a Christmas tree and decorating the house. The traveling crowd should be back in the late afternoon and we're making their traditional Christmas dinner of steaks (chicken for Megan and I), potatoes, and bread. Then we'll exchange gifts; this is the main reason most of my Christmas shopping is done so early! I'm still waiting for mom and Caylee's order to get here, I have one more little thing to get for McKenzie, and dad has to pick out his gift next week. Then it's just stocking stuffers here on out!!

I definitely missed my own family today and am grateful they're understanding of my job situation, as well as the traveling. We're going home next weekend and I'm super pumped about it!!

Day 22- thankful for my family, Matt's family, Macie, and most of all, our sweet Lord's amazing sacrifice of sending His son to live amongst we sinners and die on the cross for us, giving us eternal life for all those who believe in Him. What an amazing gift!!!

Don't go too crazy tomorrow, Black Friday shoppers!
And yes, I know I look like a hot mess in the below photos- but I did go 37 hours with only a short nap, so give me a break!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I realized on my way home this morning that during all my ranting in my last post, I totally forgot to do my thankful for. I'm terrible. Oh and the meaning behind the picture, which you might've already guessed, was a picture of Thanksgiving 2010 I believe. I'm pretty sure I've had to work the past 4 thanksgivings, but usually the night before so I could still make it home to see my family. This year is a little different since I work the night after Thanksgiving, so Matt and I are going home the weekend after instead.

Tonight is proving to be much better than last night, thank goodness! There was another wreck on the bridge coming in tonight, on top of night time road I was later than my "normal" time, but not as late as last night! I also got to see our friends Kevin, and Gail (Daniel's parents) tonight while they were visiting a friends baby! Always good to see them :)

Day 20: thankful for an able car to get my rear to and from work and everywhere in between (also thankful that it's fully paid off, a year early!)

Day 21: thankful for the opportunity (and funds) to sponsor a child through Orphanos. We went there this past March with Kevin and Gail to work at the clinic at the orphanage. It was an eye opening experience and we walked away with a child :) Hopefully we'll be going back there this year at some point!!

Thanksgiving eve blues

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! I totally meant to post yesterday, but technically "yesterday" is still my "today" since I haven't gone to bed yet...oh the minds of a night shifter.

Today started off bright and early with me turning off my alarm in favor of an extra hour of sleep. Macie was not pleased...she'll sleep all night long, but once the alarm goes off she is relentless about wanting me to get up! So anyway, then I went to work until about 12:30, came home and took Macie, made lunch for myself, cooked my dinners for work the next two nights, and attempted a nap on the couch. I slept ok for about 45 minutes, then Macie was a booger about really wanting me to get up. So I eventually got up, took her on another walk and then did a quick 3-mile run. Matt came over around 5:15 to pick her up and hang out with me for a few minutes before heading our separate ways.

Getting to work- total disaster. All was well until I got on the road to the Savannah bridge (the one that connects SC to GA) and traffic just stopped. A kind soul stopped and let me know that they were turning everyone around on the bridge, so I went ahead and made a call to Matt so I could figure out a detour. Turns out, the detour was also shut down. Needless to say I was 20 minutes late to work and wasn't quite in the mood to start a 12 hour shift with screaming babies...which is how this night has been going. I get one quiet, the other one screams; I'm cleaning up orders from the previous nurse and everything is so screwy. Slightly over tonight and not doing so well with being positive right now. So, hopefully I'll get some good rest today and have a little bit better of a night tomorrow.

And it doesn't help that "today" (Wednesday) is most peoples Fridays...and I'll still be working away come Thanksgiving day morning. The life of a nurse.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Productive day!

Day 19- thankful for lists..

I'm a great list-maker, I mean really great....I just get a little too ambitious and never actually get to check off all the items to do. Until today!! Here is my completed list from today:

Wash clothes
Donate clothes
Dry cleaners
Grocery store
Wrap remaining presents
Make anniversary gift
Pick up prescription
Make yummy sweets

So that's pretty much a recap of my day, but I'll still tell you about it since I'm pretty proud right now. I slept in until 8ish when Matt dropped Macie off this morning. I threw some clothes in the washer, took a quick shower and set off to run my errands. First stop was the dry cleaners, then the drive-thru at CVS, and onward to Walmart...where I also checked off everything on my grocery list and stayed within my budget! I came home, took Macie for a little ball throwing session and then got to work making too many sweets for the week.

I ended up making sugar cookies, brownies, and monster cookie bars to take to the Thomas' for Friday nights Christmas dinner. I wrapped presents while some of the goodies were baking and also made that map thing for Matt's anniversary present...exhibit A (and no, it's not supposed to look like a Christmas tree...)

The top heart is Atlanta where we met, followed by Augusta, St Augustine, New York, Bogota, St Simons, Nashville, D.C., Edisto/Charleston (where he'll be receiving it), and Bluffton where we live now. It looks a bit girly, so it'll probably end up hanging in my apartment, which is fine with me!

I really ended up having to talk myself into going for a run, but I did it! And glad I did; I always feel much better when I'm done! Half marathon #7 is in 3 weeks, so I'm going to try for 2-3 more 8-mile runs to get myself ready.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Yup, missed two more days! When I go up to Matt's parents there s absolutely zero no phone or computer for two days. It's kinda nice sometimes though, being disconnected. Friday morning I slept until noon after work, got up and made a cake, went for a 6-mile run, came home and showered, packed for the weekend, and made up the enchiladas I was making for dinner. Everything ended up being yummy, especially the cinnamon roll cake! We settled in and watched the movie Miracle to round out the Friday night.

Saturday morning I went for a quick (cold) 3-mile run. I thought Matt and I woud do a little kayak trip, but it was just too chilly to head out on the water. Matt's twin, Brandi, and her daughter Miley came over to hang out for the day so I stayed in with the girls while Matt helped his dad with yardwork. 

Miley taking a nap with her babies ;)
Saturday night the boys had an event out at Palmetto Bluff that ended up being a lot of fun. There was an oyster roast, along with a ton of other food options...and wine! Their event was "The last hurrah" with desserts and s'mores around the fire pits. 

Today has been a lonngggg day. Since we got in so late last night, Matt and I were still dragging this morning. We made it to church and then had a nice long lunch at Outback with Shane, Alyssa, Cassady, and Daniel. We had to hightail it back to the parents in order for me to grab my stuff and drive back to Bluffton in time for the last Twilight movie with the girls. 

Now I'm finally home and not motivated to do anything but snuggle under my blanket! I need to wash clothes and definitely need to empty the dishwasher. Working out is probably not going to happen tonight...but we shall see! Tomorrow I'm going to grocery shop fr thanksgiving dinner and maybe go get my brothers Christmas gift. I'm also going to make this for our two year anniversary-

We'll see how it turns out!

Here's a little catch up:
Day 16- thankful for a love of cooking. I used to hate it, but now I love it and have gotten pretty decent at putting together yummy dishes!

Day 17- thankful for books. I read two short stories on Ms Susan's kindle and I love getting wrapped up in any good book!

Day 18- I am totally thankful I don't have to work tomorrow. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

TV mount

As you can see above, I have a little problem. When Megan and Scott moved from their old house, they wanted to get rid of the guest bed, so I snatched it up because my mattresses were just hanging out on the floor in my room. I love the bed, but now I can't see the TV over the bottom!
Oh well...I'll buy a mount soon enough.

This morning Macie and I slept in an extra hour because I figured I could do a longer run after I got off work at 12. Well, I didn't get off work until 1 and it was cold and windy outside! I took Macie on a short loop around the complex and decided that was enough of the great outdoors for me. So I made lunch and took a 45 minute snooze on the couch before doing my favorite tae bo video. Hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up in time for a decent run.

I signed up for the Kiawah Island half marathon today! Matt and I decided that we would take a trip to Charleston as our Christmas present/anniversary weekend. We're pretty much on the same page in that we'd rather travel together than get each other gifts. Our plan is to get bikes once it starts warming up (this was our original Christmas idea), maybe in February.
We're planning on doing a triathlon together sometime in 2013!

Tomorrow kicks off a busy weekend...and we will have busy weekends pretty much from now until the end of the year! Friday evening I'm cooking enchiladas for Matt's family and hanging out. Saturday night we have an event out at Palmetto Bluff and Sunday we're having lunch with friends after church. Next weekend is Thanksgiving (and Christmas for Matt's family); the weekend of the 1st we'll be in Augusta for that Jingle Jam 10k, a haircut for me, Christmas tree pickin', and family pictures. The second weekend in December Matt and I will be in Charleston running half marathons and playing expensive golf...and celebrating two years together! I'm not sure what I'll be doing that third weekend yet. Matt is going to be at the hunting club, and I would kind of like to make an Atlanta trip to see some of my long lost friends; we'll see!
Then it'll be time for Christmas and New Years!

Day 15- thankful for warmth.
There are so many people out there lacking electricity or who are living on the streets. I can't imagine being that cold and trying to keep warm living outside. My heater isn't on in the apartment yet and I've already started piling on the layers for bed, but at least I know the heater option is available.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sweet laughter

Busy day at the office! Scratch that- slow morning and then total madness this afternoon; I didn't clock out until 6pm! Made me miss an hour of time with Matt, but oh well I guess. He got back around noon from the hunting club, worked at the office for a bit, and then came to do some work at my apartment and keep Macie company. I am trying to wean Macie from her kennel, so I was quite happy she'd only be alone and free for 2 hours versus 4! And she did great, whew!

Tomorrow it's back to work at the office until noon, then coming home to rest until going to work for the night at the hospital. 

Day 14- thankful for sweet laughter.
Jimi just sent me a video of Cal giggling, which in turn cracked me up!
A child's laughter is so innocent and free; I love it!

Here are a few wedding pictures I snagged from Branch's site
(pictures of pictures aren't great quality I forewarn you)
I can't wait to get my hands on the CD!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So far, the detailed "to do" list I made last night doesn't have many check marks.
Here was my list:

Wash clothes
Clean both bathrooms
Take clothes to goodwill
Grocery store
Get Macie's heart worm pills and treats

I slept until noon right when Matt was pulling into the parking lot with Macie. He went to the hunting club this afternoon with Scott and Chris to hunt tonight and tomorrow morning, so I get some QT with my very snuggle-rific puppy. 

See? She still thinks she's 15 lbs and can snuggle in my lap.
Anyway, I ran to the grocery store (I'm making dinner for Matt's family Friday night), came home, walked Macie, and completed a 5 mile run...right on time too! It started raining the last quarter mile or so. And that's pretty much my day! I made a delicious dinner of pancakes, I showered, and I'm already in my jammies :)

I seriously doubt I'll be vacuuming or cleaning any bathrooms tonight.

Day 13- thankful for worship music
I listen to it all the time- while driving, working out, running; it's soothing to me and I hear God's voice in all the songs. My favorite is Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Grace"

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood, His mercy rains
Unending love, amazing grace

And I shall leave you with pictures of the hunting man...the first is one he sent me tonight and the other is from last week with his nephew...enjoy!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 12

Day 12- thankful for friendship. I'm a pretty shy and am much of an introvert, so it's slightly hard for me to make friends. But when I do, it's usually for a lifetime. And I don't stay shy long. Even after moving to Milledgeville, then Atlanta, and now Bluffton I still keep in touch with these lovely ladies. My friend Lauren and I (she recently moved to RI) text almost daily and she probably has no idea how much of an encouragement she is to me on a daily basis. And I, of course, have my sister and Matt- my two best friends and the ones I go to for anything and everything.

And this post just gave me the hardest time ever with posting those pictures. Some are crooked, some are sideways! Oh well.

Lauren and I at her baby shower (she's pregnant again now!)

Katie's wedding
My first favorite roommate(s) at her wedding

Abbey, Lindsey, and I at the bean in Chicago

First best friend, Jill at her wedding in September '07

And my best buds at Meagan's wedding

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veteran's Day!

Happy Veteran's Day! Today I am thankful for all our military, current and past, who are out serving and protecting our country.
Especially to my brother-in-law, Adam, and my grandpa, both veterans and amazing guys :)
(Even if Adam is a packers fan and hates on all Georgia sports teams)

Nothing else of any importance went on today. I was exhausted pretty much all night and clocked out early from work to rush home for bedtime! I slept like a rock and had some pretty interesting/weird dreams, which usually happens when I sleep the hardest. I got up, did some tae bo, and now I'm back at work for another snuggle-filled 12 hours. I have great babies!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Yup, I missed a day. Yesterday morning I got up bright and early and went for a chilly 3 mile run before heading to work at the peds office for the day. The day went very smoothly since we also had a medical student working with us who was kinda willing to do anything, including the dirty work. After work I ran home, packed up quickly, and headed to Matt's parents house for the evening to hang out with Matt. I thought I'd be able to post on the blog before I went to bed, but the internet wasn't working with me, so it was a no go. Yesterday (day 9) I was thankful for the flu shot and all other vaccinations.

This morning I was awoken before 7am by Matt and Macie busting into my room. We had breakfast and then set out to explore the causeway in our kayaks. This time we decided to paddle as far up river as we wanted, then float leisurely back down. Well, in order to explore the causeway paddling is still pretty involved. So my arms might be sore in the morning, especially since my left one was aleady sore from getting my flu shot yesterday! It was fun though and not nearly as cold as I had anticipated it being. Next time I think we're going to put our kayaks in at the boat dock; I don't think the current is as strong in that area.

I'm at work for now, and I have a feeling it's going to be an awfully long night! I attempted to nap during the SC game, but kept waking up since I was trying to nap on Matt and somehow ended up leaning on his dad. And I was drooling.
My babies seem to be pretty chill for the time being, so hopefully it remains that way. I have a new book I'm reading and I want to concentrate on it.

Day 10- thankful for phones. I hadn't spoken with my sister since the wedding and it was nice to catch up and hear about everything on my way into work. It also helps keep me up when I'm really tired in the mornings.

Enjoy the following pictures from this mornings adventure :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Last night of work done. I was supposed to work at the office from 1-5pm, but had a change of heart when I realized how tired I was. I'll definitely be there tomorrow, then back at the hospital Saturday-Monday nights. I think we have some fun plans for tomorrow night (dinner with friends), and then maybe a (chilly!!) little kayak trip Saturday morning before the USC game at noon. I've never kayaked past September, so it should be nice and cold on the water!

Day 8- thankful for my job(s). Some days/nights are hard, very hard. Last night, for instance, I had almost sworn off the thought of ever conceiving children all together thanks to 3 screaming babies at the same time. But, I am very thankful for my job, as I realize there are plenty of people struggling to find one, or are very unhappy with the one they have. I get to snuggle with babies all day or night long, and I do love me some babies, mostly when they're sweet and quiet :) 
I'm also thankful for Matt's job, as their business is doing very well in our stinky economy. I'm very proud of those boys.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Loud noises

The title of the blog tonight is my favorite scene from Anchorman- Jimi and I watched it for the first time together and rewound this particular part a million times, laughing our butts off.

It's very noisy in my pod tonight at work. Alarms are just going nuts! I have three babies on oxygen and probes so they're in the midst of all the alarming.
The night was going at a pretty fast clip and has since slowed down, as it usually does, between the hours of 4-6am. I get my sleepiest and grumpiest during these hours. I can't wait to get home and crawl into my nice cozy bed and sleep the day away! I did get a chance to catch up on some reading, and I'm about to start a new book that I've heard good reviews about.

Day 7- God's Word.
As one of my new years resolutions from this past January, I wanted to finish the bible in a year. I started a little late but caught up quickly the first month and I've stayed on track throughout the year. I've had plenty of times that I've skipped days and had to catch up, but I've tried to stay diligent with reading. I've learned a TON, and next year(s) my goal will be to re-read it, take notes, and study His word more in depth. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Back to work

Back to work tonight! I've had 11 full days off so I'm pretty ok with heading back to work tonight. I only have to do two nights, then three more starting Saturday night. I'm not sure if the peds office needs me Thursday afternoon, but I'll be there Friday. 

Macie tried to start my day off at 6:45 this morning, but I put an end to it by putting her in her kennel until 7:45. Otherwise she just paces the room and gets in my face until I get out of bed. I had a good 5 mile run this morning followed by a 25 minute walk with Macie. The back of my knee felt better today, thankfully! I've been kind of tired today, so I haven't done much else besides wrap all the Christmas presents. I only have a few more to buy!

Day 6- thankful for a healthy body. While I'd loveeee to lose a few pounds, I am very thankful for the body I have. It allows me to work long shifts and exercise every day. I ran a marathon and two days later I was running 3-5 miles again; I love running! It's my outlet, stress-reliever, reflecting time, and time for me. I prefer to run alone, but I don't mind having running buddies either. Macie will debut her running abilities very soon! Next event is the Jingle Jam 10k in Augusta December 1st with my sister.