I haven't "slept in" in a few weeks...
It kind of makes me grumpy, but also feel good since my body is pretty used to getting up early and making it through the day without napping,
Friday afternoon my lovely coworkers at the doctors office let me leave an hour early! It was awesome since Matt and I were going to Savannah for dinner with friends and I needed to shower the flu off. It also gave Matt and I the opportunity to throw the ball around with Macie for a bit before abandoning her for the night. We met up with Daniel, Cassady, Shane, Alyssa, Bobby, and Sara at the Moon River Brewing Company. We had great food, good conversations, and some yummy beer. Daniel and Cassady even proposed a possible Hawaii trip for the four of us in June!!! We'll see if it happens :) After dinner we went to Ruth's Chris next door to hear each other speak (other place was kinda wild for us aging folks). The girls and boys split up, with the guys getting a few more beers and the girls getting dessert and wine. We didn't make it home until almost midnight so I pretty much promptly fell asleep without even trying to watch tv to wind down.
7am, bright and early came rather quickly. We offered to watch Chance for the morning while Megan ran errands in Savannah and Scott went to interview some potential builders. We had fun chasing him around.
We left around 2 and went straight to Jersey Mikes for lunch before heading back to let Macie out. Since we were starving we ate in record speed and were in and out in about 15 minutes. We took Macie on a walk, took a load of bottles to the recycling place, came back and headed back out for a run- Macie and Matt did the 1.38 mile loop and I did 4 quick (8:43 min pace) but painful miles. We cooled off on the porch, walked to the store for a movie, watched the movie, made dinner, and then Macie and I went straight to bed after Matt left.

I got up this morning at 5:30 to fit my long run in for the week. I did 11.3 miles pretty slow, but I blame the fact I couldn't see anything the first 5.5 miles. We went to church, grabbed lunch (from the same place we ate at Friday night- BBQ wrap in amazing), then walked through Palmetto Bluff to see some of their projects. We made it home in time to take Macie for a long walk, drop the movie back at the store, and watch the Falcons lose in a pretty disappointing game...with squeezing in an ice cream run at halftime. Matt left, I went to the store, made lunch for tomorrow, showered, and now back in bed to get a good nights sleep for a 4:45am wake up call to start the week.
Happy Sunday! :)