Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pictures > words...

...because there's too much to catch up on and my memory stinks.

Finished up my last week at the more of Matt needing to block out sunlight.

Ran around SC Friday- to Charleston, Columbia, then on to Augusta. Squeezed in a 5 mile run before picking up my sis from work. McKenzie fell asleep reading...

Saturday was gymnastics, lunch at Texas Roadhouse (bread maker was broken- soooo sad), Costco, the mall (my sis got the color running shoes I so very want!), a short run with my sis, then off for a painting class with mom and Meg.

Sunday- Augusta 10k in 56:45...all great 8 something minute miles except between miles 2-3 where THE hill of death is- no joke- ran/walked it in 10:44; terrible. I got to finish with McKenzie and loved it! 

Grilled out at mom and dads afterwards with the family and sat around for quite awhile chatting. Spent Sunday night in Augusta because Matt's sweet pawpaw passed away and his funeral was Monday. 

Got home Monday late...Tuesday was my first day at the peds office! My parents, Meg, Adam, and McKenzie sent flowers to celebrate :) Love them. 

Wednesday we pup sat for a friend- Buddy is his name and Macie loved him! Time for a puppy brother?

Rest of the week is rolling by! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A boring weekend recap!

Hope everyone had a happy valentines day! I feel like it's been a busy week, but in reality probably not. I finished up my 3 night shifts Thursday morning, slept until 12, went to the dentist, came home and did who knows what, and fell back asleep on the couch by 9. 

Friday I got up semi-early to meet Sara and her son in Savannah to pick up last minute baby shower stuff. We had fun cleaning up the registry and I wish I could've stayed and hung out with them longer! I had two fillings to be done at the dentist, whomp, whomp. Had that done, ran a few more errands, then Macie and I had quite the girly night; watched Maid in Manhattan and Back Up Plan (apparently it was a J Lo movie marathon night). Matt made it home from N Augusta around 10 and we immediately went to bed. 

Saturday Matt got up to hunt and I slept in a bit. I attempted a run, but it was SO windy my hat was flying off! Came home and my weather channel app said the winds were 29mph! I was going to try again later but ran out of I have terrible shin splints and wasn't too keen on flaring those back up again. Daniel and Cassady's "baby-b-q" was last night and it was so fun. I had fun catching up with the girls and Matt always has a good time hanging out with the boys. Sara is trying to plan a trip for the four couples sometime between September-December up to Gatlinburg and I really hope it works out! 

This morning Matt headed back to N Augusta with his brothers to help clean up both sets of their grandparents yard after the bad ice storm from last week. I've been cleaning like a crazy lady all day...not really sure where the cleaning frenzy came from. I even cleaned the trash can. Weird. I went for a solid 4 mile run, took Macie to throw the ball, and just ate dinner. Time to vacuum and shower! 

Hoping to wake up early tomorrow for a run before getting my last wisdom tooth removed because I know I won't be in the mood to run after! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

A last minute slumber par-tay

Hello and happy Monday!
I'm working my first of three nights for the week, and next week is my last week at the hospital! Wahoooo.
I will say that I will miss the commute the least. I get frustrated and road rage-ish multiple times driving to and from work.

This past weekend was the first time Matt and I were alone...but we sure were busy. I worked Thursday night and slept for 3 hours Friday before waking up to get some things done. I forced myself to run 3 miles even though I really, really wanted to do nothing (a commercial for 600lb person got me moving). Matt happened to see Daniel and Cassady driving into Palmetto Bluff as he was leaving work, so he made us some dinner plans. I was grumpy at first since I was tired and already in my jammies, but we ended up having a great time, as usual!

Saturday morning it was raining so I opted to do my 10 mile run in the afternoon...if I could make it home by 2pm. Cassady's first baby shower was at 11, and it was so sweet and fun! She got a lot of great stuff; baby shower number two is next Saturday :) I ended up chatting a lot longer than anticipated and didn't make it home until 3ish, and Matt had a late Zaxbys lunch waiting on no long run/any run took place on Saturday. We had grilling out plans with Scott, Megan, Katy, and Doug (plus the kiddos) at 5, so we headed over there for more food and fun! Chance insisted that he was coming to spend the night with us, so we humored him and brought him on home! My only rule is that once we make it to our house, you're staying the night- and he did wonderfully!! We watched Up in bed then had pancakes in the morning before Matt took him back home to get ready for church. 

Church was a little different, as we didn't hear a sermon, but a testimony from a sweet couple...and it was wonderful. I almost cried multiple times, per usual. We made fancy grilled cheese sandwiches and chips for lunch, watched a movie, never made it to the grocery store, and I didn't go for a run again- oops. But I enjoyed our lazy little day. We did make it out to recycle, wash Matt's truck, and tour Palmetto Bluff for a bit. We rented another movie and ordered in pizza for dinner...even though we had a frozen pizza in the freezer ;) 
It was a lovely Sunday.

I ran 8 miles today, and had to reallllly talk myself into it. My first half of the year is in 2 weeks and I do not feel prepared! Hoping I'm not too sore tomorrow so I can squeeze in a short recovery run.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Garmin woes

Running in January went really, really well. I ended up running 86.5 miles total...and that was with only 9 and 10 miles the first two weeks...working nights and none at the office makes a difference!

I can also officially say I didn't run any 10 minute miles...all of them were in the 9s or less...much improvement since December! Just need to keep working at it. I might join the gym in March to get in some group classes/cross training. I've been doing my tae bo DVD but that gets old ;) Lots of races I'm looking forward to in the next few months- 1st off is the Augusta half on the 23rd...hoping I have enough training under my belt so it's not awful!

Yesterday I woke up at 12 so I could squeeze in a run before babysitting Chance and Gracie Bea. My run was going greattttt, and I felt so good...until I forgot to start my watch after stopping at a red light...grrrr. I kinda lost motivation after that and finished it off as an easy run. Stupid Garmin...or me for not starting it again. 

I watched Gracie Bea and Chance for a few hours yesterday and had a blast! Love these kiddos. 

I had a "free facial" this morning with Mary Kay- something I "won" off a raffle I signed up for after the Jingle Run in December (I only signed up to get a free bottle of water). After 90 minutes, I somehow was roped into $35 in lip care...which could've been worse since their skin care products are up into the $200s/set, another meeting next Friday, and an after hours work party the Friday after that! Oy. I don't know how to say no, but I can't be roped into much more! I need to get moving so I can grocery shop and run some errands, but the rain is making it hard to get out of the door...

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow and my twin

Last week we had a lovely snow/sleet day in SC, which means I called in sick and we had a snow day! Here's what a snow day at our house is in pictures...

Lots of food and treats. I'm quite thankful for the handy hot water dispenser on our coffee maker to make hot chocolate with! Lindsey got to stay with us a few extra days since her flights were getting canceled. She finally made it back to Austin safe and sound Thursday night! Now I need to find cheap plane tickets to Austin so I can see her again...

Friday evening my parents and McKenzie made it into town for a relaxing weekend together. I was exhausted from working Thursday night and getting up super early for a hair cut and then to clean and run errands, so I was a pooper and crawled into bed early. Matt was supposed to get up and hunt Saturday morning, but (thankfully) it was overcast and they canceled :) Dad picked up donuts for breakfast, I went for a long run (8 miles- longest of the year!), Matt and dad visited a jobsite, then they left mom, McKenzie, and I alone for some girl time so they could play golf. We sat around for a bit, then headed to Target for some crayons, coloring book, and movie. Lovin Spoons was our next stop for some delicious frozen yogurt and lots of playing in a car they had set up. And yes, McKenzie and I were twins for the day...and yes, I got dressed after she did and purposefully made us twins :)

I made chicken pot pie for dinner and then we went bowling! I love to bowl, but hate how expensive it is! We played some video games afterwards too; fun times!

Sunday we got more donuts (thanks dad), then all headed over to church. Afterwards we all ate at Guiseppi's before the gang headed back to Augusta. I've been working the last two nights, but then will have Tuesday and Wednesday off! Only 7 more shifts left after tonight...