This month flew by! I imagine October will go by just as fast- mom, dad, Meg, and McKenzie will be here next weekend, we have a wedding in FL the second weekend, then the PA trip the following weekend. We will be lying low here at home during November and December!
Monday was Matt's birthday, so celebration nĂºmero dos happened. We cooked some delicious crab stuffed salmon and I made him some German chocolate truffles for dessert...yum.
My weekend started Thursday evening since I had Friday off, which was so nice! I got up with Matt Friday morning and went to Bluffton in an attempt to squeeze in another long run- only finished 6.81 (long story) so my goal was way short. I came home, tried to clean a bit, then headed back into Bluffton for Macie's vet appointment. She weighed in at a whopping 79 lbs so she's back on a doggy diet; her ideal weight is 75 lbs.
We had a birthday dinner party planned for Matt (told you he gets like 4 celebrations per year), Daniel, Shane, and Bobby since all their birthdays are so close together, so we got everything ready to go. Right before everyone was set to arrive Macie decided to blow up like a balloon; her lips, snout, and eyes were so, so swollen! We ran her down the road to our vet (conveniently he lives on the same road as us) who told us she had a delayed reaction from one of her shots. It shouldn't surprise me since she's allergic to everything, but good grief! He gave us some meds and she looks way better now. I should've taken a picture of her but she was so pitiful!
The gang stayed until 11ish, we cleaned up, then headed to bed! It was nice to not have to drive all the way back for once! Saturday morning we started off at the dock trying to catch some shrimp, but there were none to be caught! I then did a speedy run (for me) and sat on the porch for a bit. Margaret and Chris came to check out the house then we got ready and headed over to the Thomases house for lunch, football, dinner, more football, and homemade ice cream! Plus lots of family time and baby snuggles.

Matt and I came home at the SC half, I showered, then fell asleep before the game was even over. We slept in this morning until 8:30 and it felt GOOD. We helped out Scott and Megan with children's church, grocery shopped, and made it home by 2:30ish. I've done nothing else productive ;) Matt is off hunting and I'm now trying to motivate myself for some sort of run. We'll see!