The week sure flew by! I only worked Monday- Thursday, which seems ideal. I think I'll change my schedule for life. I wish ;)
I took Friday off so I could run a billion errands before a busy weekend, and because we had an extra nurse and someone needed to be off. Didn't take me long to volunteer! So Friday morning went like this- get up, DMV (finally changed my address on my license, only 4 months late!), Savannah to pick up our bridge run stuff, Gap (had a coupon!), got a parking ticket for being 3 minutes late to the meter (grrr), Seaside to drop Dr S's stuff to her, Palmetto moon for Christmas gifts, Ulta for some nail polish, BB&B for another gift, Chick-fil-a for lunch, Target for grocery shopping, the vet for Macie's treats, the dry cleaners, Publix for more grocery shopping, then finally home by 3:30! Whew.
Then a lot of cleaning occurred. Boring.
Saturday morning I was up by 5:30 and heading to Savannah for the Enmark Bridge run! I had never done this race before and I liked it! Dr as talked me into the double pump, which is a 5k and 10k back to back. That's 3 times over the bridge- eek!! I ran the 5k alone in 29:04, which wasn't too bad since I wasn't planning on busting butt or setting PRs over the bridge! I opted to run the 10k with the rest of our group and we decided right away to do interval running to get us through. We made it to the bridge where Dr S and I split from the two other ladies. We forged ahead and finished the race together in 1:14ish. Fine by me! One more race in December but I'm pretty much laying low and doing short runs the rest of the month. I'll start vamping it up in January for all the fun Spring races!

I booked it home to shower and start setting up for the CS Thomas Christmas party. Molly and Megan got here about 2 to help, and I'm so thankful they did! The party went well- good drinks, great food thanks to a wonderful caterer, and lots of wonderful people. Success!
Matt got up early to duck hunt with Macie this morning so I was home, cleaning up! Macie came home limping so she and Matt are resting for a bit and then we are leaving in about 45 minutes to head for Augusta for Steven and Caylee's wedding. Busy day!