Finally did a decent long run! 12 miles, and with a 9:24 pace!
Not too shabby :)
Twelve is also the number of days I'll have worked before getting a day off :/
I started my work marathon Monday and I'll be done next Friday...which means no weekend for me!! But it's ok, I make more money so it works out.
Last night Matt and I had a yummy dinner of buffalo chicken sandwiches, pasta salad, and broccoli. First homemade dinner I've been able to make in awhile. We watched 2 episodes of castle, watched a little of the VP debate, had an Oreo Klondike bar for dessert, and called it a night! I got up this morning and headed off for that monstrous run before taking our now 9 month old pup back to the vet. She has recurrent belly rashes that have been determined to be related to food allergies. $95 later we had two more weeks worth of antibiotics, some hypoallergenic treats, and instructions to keep giving her the lamb based pup food for 8 more weeks. This dog is a wimp! But we love her.
She loves her dad way more than me.
After her vet appointment I headed into work for a half day, which thankfully flew by. After work I picked up my new iPod (which I can't use due to the fact I don't have a laptop, just an iPad and apparently they don't speak the same language). Then I did a little grocery and Christmas shopping! Matt and Macie are at his parents for the evening so he could get in a few hunts this afternoon and tomorrow morning. It's entirely too quiet in my apartment without Macie!
I'm heading to bed super early; it's a 4:45am wake up call tomorrow!
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