Sunday, May 5, 2013

7 Sunday's....

It's official- I may or may not be freaking out a little about the wedding. For whatever reason, the past few days have made me realize that it's so.close. Eeks. 

Moving on....

Mom, Meg, and McKenzie finally got here around 8:15ish Friday evening. We got everything up into the apartment and snuggled with McKenzie for a few minutes before Meg put her to bed. The rest of us stayed up until around 10 chatting until crashing. McKenzie kicked me and took over the bed alllllll night was rough! Rain greeted us Saturday morning so we took our sweet time eating breakfast and getting ready before heading out in the dreary weather. 

First stop was the post office and we put all the invites in the mail!! Maybe this was when I started my little freak out, I'm not sure (eeeks). We then went on to our lunch date at Truffles with Matt's mom and Molly and had a great time chatting and getting to know one another (the moms). Afterwards we went to target for girly movies and milkshake fixings...which never happened, we just ate the ingredients separately, oops. 

I attempted a short walk with Macie and McKenzie, but gave up when McKenzie started chattering her lips due to the chill and rain. 

This morning we were greeted with even more rain and had good intentions of going to church until it just continued pouring...then we opted to sit on the couch, look up more wedding stuff, and watch episodes of Friends. Matt came over (their camping weekend was cut short due to the rain) and we all had a farewell lunch at Guiseppi's. Matt and I came home and he tuned in to a basketball game, so I ended up snoozing for a good 30 minutes. We took Macie on a pretty long walk up to Starbucks so Matt could pick up some coffee for his dad. He left shortly after, I ran errands, made it through a painful 3 mile run (foot/ankle is still messed up, 2 weeks later), took Macie on another walk, emptied the dishwasher, washed 3 loads of clothes, and made mac and cheese for work tomorrow. 
Whew. Ready for the week!!

7 Sunday's left until the wedding- EEEKS!

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