Christmas went by entirely too quickly!
Thankfully, the Thomas side is getting together this weekend for their family Christmas, so it's not over for me yet!
This was my first Christmas home since I started working. I've been home for a few Christmas Eves, and almost, almost got out of working Christmas in 2011, but I was called in at 10am (then got snowed in at the hospital on top of that!), anywayyyy. We left Monday night after I got off work, so we got to Meagan's around 10, then stayed up for another hour chatting and helping Meg put together McKenzie's gift...or rather she and Matt worked, while I watched from the couch :)
Christmas Eve I got up at 7 to go for a run- a very, very cold run where the bridges I run over were I had to walk over them carefully, very carefully. Around 10 Matt and I headed over to Jimi and Christopher's, along with mom and dad, Steven, and my grandparents, to open presents with Riley since she wouldn't be able to make it to Christmas lunch. Matt and dad went to play golf afterwards and mom and I braved the mall so I could finish off Jimi's birthday present and so I could visit Gap (who has the BEST running shirts that I've just discovered...not that I need any more running apparel).
We met up with Meg and McKenzie at the movies to see Frozen- such a fun movie!! I'm a huge fan of Disney and Pixar and I fell in love with the snowman, Olaff, and am waiting for mom to buy me one :) We hurried home so I could shower up and look presentable for Christmas Eve service at Kiokee. Back home at 7:30 for Chinese food with my parents and Meg, Adam, and McKenzie. Iced a million cookies so McKenzie could pile up the sprinkles. Read her a story before bed. Started to fall asleep on the couch at 9:30. Bedtime!
Christmas morning I really thought I'd get up and run, but it was even colder than the day before so I said nah; I didn't want to rush around anyway. We took our time getting ready and playing with McKenzie and her Santa toys before everyone else joined us at lunchtime for more presents and food. After lunch an incredibly fun and loud game of pictionary took place...with McKenzie's new art board; she was not pleased. We helped Meg clean up a little, then Matt and I hit the road to head home.
We stopped by his parents house to puck up his truck and ended up staying for dinner (he ate, I held Gracie Bea so Megan could eat since I was still stuffed) and leaving without his truck, go figure. I've worked the past 2 days (and tried to finish this post both days, to no avail) and I'm heading up to the Thomas' in the morning after a quick run. Should be a great time seeing everyone!
We stopped by his parents house to puck up his truck and ended up staying for dinner (he ate, I held Gracie Bea so Megan could eat since I was still stuffed) and leaving without his truck, go figure. I've worked the past 2 days (and tried to finish this post both days, to no avail) and I'm heading up to the Thomas' in the morning after a quick run. Should be a great time seeing everyone!
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