Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday confessions..

On Thursday one of our patients' dad brought us this...

...and I had a slice. Then he brought a gigantic cheesecake the next day, and I also had a slice...or two.

I didn't do my workout Friday. All I had to do was run 2-3 measly miles, but I refused to muster up the instead I had oatmeal raisin cookies for breakfast. Then I made a beautiful pot of coffee for myself...

...and forgot to drink any.

I got up this morning at 4:15 and was out the door by 4:35 for a race in Charleston...which I will never do alone again. Race went well, but I was just in a fog from getting up so early. My favorite parts were the finish line and the AMAZING fruit selection at the end. It was a point-to-point run, which means I had to take a 25 minute shuttle bus back to the start line, then walk a mile to find my car (I had no idea where it was either, but I acted confident in my direction skills and therefore found it)!

When I was leaving Charleston I couldn't go back the way I came since the bridge was still closed so I had to make a few last minute driving decisions...which led me onto a oneway street with oncoming traffic. Thankfully my trusty xterra knows how to jump medians.

I made myself make it home without any potty stops so I reallllllllly had to go by the time I made it back. This caused me to throw an entire bottle of water into my race bag without the top on. Water everywhere!!

I was also starving when I finally sat down to eat and almost ate half the bag of chips. They are stinking delicious!

Hopefully I don't do any more dumb things today.

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