Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hello, goodbye

G'bye weekend! You went by entirely too fast.

Yesterday morning I was up by 4:45am and heading into Savannah for the rock n roll half marathon, and to tell you the truth I was totally dreading it. I've had some bad runs, my feet have been hurting, and I've had a nasty cold since Halloween. I was in no mood to run a half! Steph and I decided to run it together since her knees had been bothering her, so it was comforting knowing I wouldn't be alone. We ran at a decent pace the first 7 miles, though I needed almost every walk break when my watch beeped (Steph does interval running- 4 mins of running, 1 min of walking) because my chest and breathing were so off. Then right after mile 7 Stephanie's knees and hips really started bothering her so we slowed down significantly, and I wasn't upset at all! We finished in 2:13:?? and I'm okay with that. I left, grocery shopped (no more walmart trips on Saturday mornings!!), then was a bum for the rest of the day. Serious lazy mode- I watched football, napped on and off, and stayed off my feet as much as possible.

Thankfully all that lying around paid off! I felt so much better this morning. Matt made breakfast then headed out to do some yard work while I started cleaning. We went to church then busted butt to 
make it to Savannah for the final running event of the weekend- the 5k. I felt pretty good and was proud of my time- 26:52! Got my 5k and remix medals (I'm a medal junkie FYI) and we drove on back home!

We've been piddling around for most of the afternoon and now Matt is cooking up a delicious dinner while I sit here and drink wine! Nice trade-off ;)

PS- loving the time change, but only in the mornings when my view is this! 

Much better than running in the dark with lights. Love it...except for the whole getting dark at 6 thing. 
Happy Sunday!

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