Sunday, February 15, 2015

V-Day weekend

Well, the weekend is wrapping up and I'm pretty sad about it.
Mondays come way too fast.

Friday evening Matt and I hit up the BBQ buffet in a Ridgeland after work...fancy dining I tell ya. We came home, watched the latest Blacklist, then hit the bed.

Saturday morning we got up at 7 (thanks dogs) and I made a blueberry buckle and cut it into heart shapes for Valentines. 

I gave Matt his gift in between him shooting squirrels then he headed out for yardwork while I ran.

 I did a nice 8-mile run and I felt decent the whole time. I turned on my iPod at mile 5, which I don't think I've done in over a year. It realllllly pushed me to run faster, so I finished my last 4 miles faster than the first 4! I'm all signed up for the Savannah women's half on March 28, so there's no backing out now! 

Afterwards, while I was stretching and chatting with Matt, the flower guy pulled up. Matt surprised me with roses for Valentines! I forgets every year, so I just assumed he had forgotten again this year so it was a major surprise! 

After showering I took off to run errands and he started another project- redoing our porches. I came home to this-

Apparently it's a little more challenging than he anticipated! He's currently still working on the first porch, but is hoping to have the other one done by the weekend. Anyway, last night we celebrated love day at home by grilling out and having a delicious dinner together...then going to bed early, typical us ;)

This morning was church nursery, lunch, me cleaning a lot, and him working on the porch. I was going to do a short run this afternoon but my knees and feet feel a little off after yesterday's run, so I'll start again tomorrow! No bootcamp this week so I'll have a few more run mornings. Happy week!

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