We're having a baby!
We found out on April fools day, so naturally I thought I had fooled myself! I went to the doctor that Friday (still unsure why they made me come in so incredibly early) and my urine was so diluted that the pregnancy test came back negative, so I was incredibly disappointed. The nurse drew an HCG blood level and we got the call Monday that I was indeed pregnant! We're due December 8th.
We kept it quiet until our first ultrasound at the 8 week appointment. Matt thinks I'm crazy, but I thought somehow there wouldn't be a baby in there, so I realllllly needed to see him/her before I could believe it. We told Daniel and Cassady at dinner that evening since we were going to Hawaii with them! I'm sure they would've noticed if I wasn't drinking- Cassady was pretty pumped about having a sober buddy since she's pregnant too!
I haven't really gotten sick at all, which is soooo nice and I feel thankful for it. I'd only get a little nauseous in the 1st trimester if I didn't eat something every 2-3 hours, and threw up once in Hawaii after being super carsick, so I can't even blame the baby! I've still been running, but cut the miles back while we were in Hawaii. It's been pretty hot, even at 6am, so I'll keep it like it is for now and increase once it starts cooling down...I'm still signed up for the RnR Savannah in November, but my sis-in-law said she will do the relay with me, so I have to be back up to 6 miles by then (run/walk). I'm also still doing bootcamp twice a week- my instructor has known from the beginning since she likes to push me! I got the okay at our 8 week appointment from my doctor, so no worries :)
We told our families right around 10 weeks, then found out the gender at 13 weeks. We found out super early, so Brandi scanned us again at 15 weeks to confirm- so we are definitely having a baby girl! It'll be the 4th girl out of five on my side and the 7th out of 10 on Matt's side!
The belly is growing, though I still just look chunky in clothes. I'm ready for a legit belly and to start feeling her kick! I'm sure I'll be regretting the belly wish when it's been there for months ;)
That's 10 weeks vs 17 weeks
Time to pack and organize! We're leaving this afternoon for a week at lake Oconee with Matt's family!
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