Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Happy Tuesday!

Time for an update with plenty of pictures of our sweet Morgan! Pretty sure she's my entire camera roll on my phone :) Here's our awesome weekend update (sarcasm)!

Friday- can't really remember anything about Friday at all. Oops

Saturday- we slept in until 7 (Morgan slept from 8:30-3:30 and then 4-7!) and Matt did her bottle and diaper change while I pumped and got coffee ready. We hung out for awhile around the house until I ran to the grocery store while Morgan napped. I came home, made a pizza, enjoyed the wonderful weather we had, then laced up for a quick (not really) run while Matt followed me around in his truck with Morgan. I ran so slow; I think I actually run faster with the stroller!! We were supposed to have dinner with a coworker and her boyfriend but they had to bow out last minute, so Matt and I went on a date! His parents came to watch Morgan while we ate sushi and hibachi and then went to R&D's for a glass of wine. We have plans to go back to R&Ds with my coworker and boyfriend this Friday! 

Sunday- Morgan didn't sleep great (was up at 2 and 6) so I was pretty hesitant on cutting her morning nap short. We decided to go to second service at church, which gave her plenty of time to nap and for me to make a delicious and butter filled cinnamon roll breakfast cake. Matt convinced me to let us drop her off in the church nursery, which I'm thankful for. I actually listened to the message! We made some grilled cheese for lunch and sat outside for awhile. I took Morgan and Scout for a walk later on, then Matt and I made dinner together. Perfect Sunday. 

Yesterday, Morgan and I hung out at home and tried to get some cleaning done. We went for a run around 2 and it was pitiful. I walked a lot. Last night I decided it was time to put Morgan in the pack n play and out of the rock n play in our room because she's outgrowing it! I thought it was going to be a disaster but she did wonderful and slept for 8 hours!!! Our morning has been a little screwy, but I don't even care. Hopefully it wasn't a fluke and she'll do great again tonight!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Valentine's weekend

This'll mainly consist of pictures :)

This past Saturday my parents, Caylee, Steven, and Harper came down to visit! It was my brothers first time meeting Morgan so it was a lot of fun. I'm hoping my other brother and his family will finally meet her next weekend when we're in Augusta. 




Everyone got here around the same time, maybe 9ish? We spent the entire day just sitting around the fire and hanging out- it was awesome! Steven bought some steaks for us to grill out for a late lunch then I made some mini apple pies and ice cream for dessert before my brothers gang headed back home.

Valentine's day was Sunday and Matt remembered! I had some roses and two cards waiting for me when I woke up- one from him and one from the dogs and Morgan. I got him some Coldstone ice cream (that my parents picked up for me!) and some peanut m&ms, his favorite. I apparently show my love through sweets :) Morgan got some new pink jammies, a toy, and a book that made me cry when I read it to her later! My parents took us to Jim n Nicks for lunch, where Morgan had the most epic of all poopy diapers at the end. Thankfully we had already eaten and paid the bill because we hightailed it outta there to change her on the tailgate of the truck. Thank goodness I packed those new  jammies because it was a total blowout!

Things have been pretty chill around here this week, which I like for sure. I know it's getting close for me to start work again, so I've been snuggling with my babe as much as possible. Wednesday she decided not to nap at all after her 9am one, which was fine because she was in a great mood...until bedtime. She fell asleep immediately and then woke up after 30 mins...not in a good mood anymore! Took us about an hour to get her settled and then she slept until 3:30! Weird day/night for sure. She's napped much better today, thankfully, so we'll see what the night brings :)


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Happy two months!

Our sweet babe is two months old! I seriously can't believe how fast life is moving right now. Time seemed to slow down the first few weeks after Morgan was born, but now it's flying!

Her little personality is shining through and she seems to be a happy baby most of the time! Hopefully she'll stay that way :) Mornings are still my favorite time of day with her- she eats great, is smiley, and takes wonderful naps. It's a little different in the afternoons; she naps shorter, is a little fussier with feeds, and a lot of work goes into making her grin. I'll take her all day, every day though!

This week she had two nights of 6-6.5 hour stretches at night, but then the past two nights she's been back to 4-5 hours between feeds. She's still taking 2 hour naps in the morning and mainly 1 hour naps in the afternoons. She's nursing perfectly and I really feel like we've gotten the hang of breastfeeding (thankfully!!) She typically nurses 6-7 times a day and takes two 3.5oz bottles of pumped milk a day. I have a little over 150 oz of frozen milk stashed for when she starts daycare in less than 4 weeks (gulp). 

She had her two month check up Tuesday and weighed in at 11 lbs 4 oz and was 22" long! She jumped from the 43rd percentile to the 68th percentile in weight in a little less than 3 weeks!! Sheesh. She's a good little eater. She also got her first set of shots and took them like a champ! I did okay too :) Tuesday afternoon and most of yesterday she slept a ton...I'm thankful for that response versus fevers and fussiness. 

Walking and running in the stroller
The swing

Any carrier (I think she just likes to feel movement all the time!)

Bathtime with dad

Being swaddled (still necessary for sleep though!)

I love every second I get with my baby girl! I can't wait to see all the new things she does and learns this next month, though I really need time to slow down at the same time. 


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Weekend happenings

This first week of February flew by! I can't believe it's already the 9th...the next four weeks are totally going to move at rapid speed since I have to go back to work, blah. Don't ask me about it to my face or you will have a blabbering, crying fool on your hands. Anyway...

It's 4 in the morning over here. Morgan has been sleeping longer stretches for the past two nights and it makes my mornings kinda weird. I went back to sleep yesterday morning at 4:30, but then we slept until 7:30! I can't make that a habit or I'll never be able to make it out of the door on time for work. After she ate this morning she threw up, a LOT, which resulted in pajamas being changed for both of us. Then I had to pump, so I decided to just stay up, which I'm sure I'll be regretting by mid-morning.

We had a pretty chill weekend over here! Friday morning I met up with Katie for breakfast at Cracker Barrel then shot over to Publix to make a roast for dinner. Matt had a pretty hard week, so I wanted to surprise him with a really yummy supper and dessert (mini apple pies and vanilla ice cream- so yum!). 

Saturday morning we slept in until 7ish, relaxed for a bit, then Matt headed into Bluffton for a little more work. I waited for Morgan to nap and eat again, then we also headed into Bluffton to grocery shop. It felt so good to get that out of the way! I cleaned throughout the afternoon while Matt did yardwork, then we grilled out and just watched TV until we crashed around 9.

Sunday morning was a blur. We went to church with Morgan for the first time! She did about as I expected...didn't sit in her car seat for long at all, so I held her. She started getting antsy during the last 10-15 minutes of the service, so I just walked out and stood in the lobby. We grabbed Zaxby's on the way home, ate, then Matt headed back to church for a meeting about an upcoming event. I think I started washing sheets and that's pretty much all I did housework-wise :) We went over to Matt's parents for wings and the Super Bowl that evening, came home at halftime, and immediately went to bed. I watched most of the game and was so excited the Broncos won! 

Yesterday was low key around here. I did a lot of cleaning and laundry and then took all the girls for a run in the afternoon. I almost didn't make it out for the run, but am so glad I did! 2.1 miles with the stroller and both dogs :)

Morgan has her two month check up and shots today, so wish me luck!