This first week of February flew by! I can't believe it's already the 9th...the next four weeks are totally going to move at rapid speed since I have to go back to work, blah. Don't ask me about it to my face or you will have a blabbering, crying fool on your hands. Anyway...
It's 4 in the morning over here. Morgan has been sleeping longer stretches for the past two nights and it makes my mornings kinda weird. I went back to sleep yesterday morning at 4:30, but then we slept until 7:30! I can't make that a habit or I'll never be able to make it out of the door on time for work. After she ate this morning she threw up, a LOT, which resulted in pajamas being changed for both of us. Then I had to pump, so I decided to just stay up, which I'm sure I'll be regretting by mid-morning.
We had a pretty chill weekend over here! Friday morning I met up with Katie for breakfast at Cracker Barrel then shot over to Publix to make a roast for dinner. Matt had a pretty hard week, so I wanted to surprise him with a really yummy supper and dessert (mini apple pies and vanilla ice cream- so yum!).
Saturday morning we slept in until 7ish, relaxed for a bit, then Matt headed into Bluffton for a little more work. I waited for Morgan to nap and eat again, then we also headed into Bluffton to grocery shop. It felt so good to get that out of the way! I cleaned throughout the afternoon while Matt did yardwork, then we grilled out and just watched TV until we crashed around 9.
Sunday morning was a blur. We went to church with Morgan for the first time! She did about as I expected...didn't sit in her car seat for long at all, so I held her. She started getting antsy during the last 10-15 minutes of the service, so I just walked out and stood in the lobby. We grabbed Zaxby's on the way home, ate, then Matt headed back to church for a meeting about an upcoming event. I think I started washing sheets and that's pretty much all I did housework-wise :) We went over to Matt's parents for wings and the Super Bowl that evening, came home at halftime, and immediately went to bed. I watched most of the game and was so excited the Broncos won!
Yesterday was low key around here. I did a lot of cleaning and laundry and then took all the girls for a run in the afternoon. I almost didn't make it out for the run, but am so glad I did! 2.1 miles with the stroller and both dogs :)
Morgan has her two month check up and shots today, so wish me luck!
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