Friday, April 15, 2016

4 month update

I can't believe our sweet Morgan is already FOUR months! Times flies. 

She still seems to have a pretty happy and sweet personality and smiles a ton. She's still not giggling consistently, but we'll get a few out of her here and there. At her 4 month health check last Friday she was 14 lbs and 24.5 inches long- both in the 60th percentile, so she's growing well! I was told she no longer needs to eat in the middle of the night, which is great because now Matt can get up with her too! This past month she celebrated her first Easter, went to her first birthday party, and roadtripped to the beach- but didn't actually see the ocean- it was chilly!! We'll be heading to Augusta tomorrow for cousin Harper's 1st birthday party, which will be her second overnight stay away from home.

Morgan still continues to be a great eater. She nurses about six times a day when we're together and 3 times on daycare days, plus three 4oz bottles. I have quite the stash in the deep freezer and I'm still trying to remember to thaw little bits at a time and add it to fresh milk. I pump twice at work and still once between 2-3am, which is quickly becoming annoying. I'm scared to drop it since that's when I get the most milk, but I haven't slept more than 5-6 hours at a time in the past 4 months! Maybe next month ;)

Sleep is going okay. Some nights Morgan sleeps great and other nights we play paci pong multiple times! She's still in her nursery, so it's a hike up the stairs 3-4 times a night-- thankfully Matt wakes up too and will venture up. We've moved her bedtime up to 8pm, but I think we should start trying for 7:30- just makes me sad to start her bedtime routine an hour after I get her home. But she's exhausted and usually falling asleep before I can burp her! Naps are becoming an issue, at home and at daycare. She's never been a great napper at daycare because she's so nosy, but she used to be good at home! She typically wakes up after an hour now and won't go back to sleep unless I hold her <-- bad habit I can only blame on myself! I'm working with trying to get her to nap in her crib, but so far no dice. 


Still LOVES bathtime with dad


The dogs- can't take her eyes off them!


Looking at herself in the mirror 

Naps in her crib
Being held like a baby, unless she's really tired

I'm looking forward to belly laughs! She laughed a ton with Matt last night and thankfully I was able to catch it on video! :)

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