Sunday, May 15, 2016

5 month update

Wow, time really does seem to be flying by with our sweet Morgan! I can't believe our sweet baby girl is already five months old. 

Morgan continues to be a fairly happy baby. She only gets fussy when she's really tired or hungry. She's such a smiley girl and we love seeing her huge dimples when she's grinning at us. She's laughing now also, but Matt is the only one that can get those great big belly laughs from her! Morgan also started rolling over from back to belly this month and in the past few days has gone belly to back too! She can sit up unassisted for short bursts of time, but I'm not thinking she'll be sitting up on her own for another month or so. No doctor appointment this month, so I have no idea how much she weighs! She's a solid girl though ;)

Morgan is still eating like a champ and is so quick with it too! She typically nurses 5-6 times a day when she's with me (only eats for 3-5 mins per side!) and 3 times on daycare days plus 3 4oz bottles. She doesn't love taking the bottle from me anymore but does fine when anyone else is feeding her. I've also finally weaned myself from the middle of the night pumping session I had going on- it was slow and kinda painful but I'm so glad it's over! Now on my off days and weekends I don't pump at all, wahoo!!

Sleep seems to be going okay. We finally started letting her fuss it out when she wakes up during the night. We'll replace the pacifier once, but don't go up every hour like we were doing! She typically gets her bath at 7:15, nurses, then is in her crib between 7:30-7:45, depending on how long she wants to snuggle. I feel like she kinda wakes up at midnight most nights for her paci and then sleeps until between 6:30-7:30. Naps are still a battle--she thinks after 30 mins she's good to go! It's exhausting!

Daycare is still going well. Her teachers like to tell me she's the ringleader of the class; when she's mad everyone should be mad too! Little stinker. This month we celebrated our first Mother's Day together! This coming month we'll be going to the beach with my family for a week, so that'll be an adventure! So thankful for our girl!

Still LOVES bath time with dad!! 
Toys + the bouncer thing
The dogs
Being outdoors (including running with mom in the Bob!)
Her toes



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