Sunday, June 19, 2016

6 month update

SIX months. Half a year. 
It's seriously crazy how fast our sweet girl is growing! Crazy, exciting, sad all at once. 

We had her 6 month check up last week-- I can't remember her length (bad mom) but she was 16 lbs 3 oz. I love all her rolls. She's wearing 6 month clothes for the most part, but lately I've been putting her in some 9 month stuff. Size 3 diapers, which was well overdue. She had quite a few blowouts in the size twos, but I wasn't ready to move her up!

Morgan continues to be a great eater. She typically nurses 5-6 times a day for around 5-6 minutes total. In the past few days she's only been eating from one side, which is making me break out the pump at home- not fun. A friend told me she might be going on a "nursing strike", but she's also (I think) teething, and she just got over a yucky tummy bug. Hopefully it'll get better soon! She's still taking 3 4oz bottles at daycare too. I started giving her baby foods about two weeks ago, but I'm giving up and waiting until next month to restart. I tried green beans, carrots, peas, and sweet potatoes and none of them pleased her! I felt like I was forcing her to eat when she's not ready, so we're stepping back. 

I was a little late to jump on board, but Morgan finally started napping in her crib this month. It's not going great, but she's doing a long(ish) 60-90 min nap in the morning and two 30-45 min naps in the afternoon. She's only slept through the night a few times this month, but last night was one of them, wahoo! I also stopped putting her in the sleep suit, so she rolls all around in the crib now. Sometimes in the mornings she'll play with her feet and babble with herself for 10 minutes or so before she lets me know it's time to wake up! 

This month Morgan went on her first beach vacation and she did okay! She loves water so she liked swimming in the pool. She's sitting up pretty decently and rolling like a champ. Today we celebrated Matt's first Father's Day and I think all he wanted was for her to nap on his chest, which she did :) She'll be going on her first plane ride in a few days and we're going to run a 4th of July race together next month! We love our sweet girl and all the joy she brings to us every day. 

Bathtime with dad

The dogs (she giggled like crazy at them after not seeing them for a week!)
The exersaucer
Playing peek-a-boo
Mom- I love that she wants me, but it's also exhausting at times :)

Strangers and crowds
Baby food

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