You guys, this past month flew by. Seriously.
Morgan is now SEVEN months old!
I weighed Morgan when I did inventory last week and she's still hanging out at 16lbs 3oz, which surprises me! Her rolls just keep on coming and she feels much more solid to me. She's still in size 3 diapers and mostly 6 month clothes, though I've had to start packing up some of the smaller 6 month stuff (tear).
Eating has been an issue this month for sure. Morgan had a week of only wanting to nurse on one side every 3-4 hours, then decided she wanted to nurse all the time! I feel like I have a newborn again at times! Solid foods are still a battle- daycare has started attempting jar foods twice a day and they say she's getting better. At home she will eat yogurt without a fuss, teething wafers, and sliced cheese. She's been trying to drink water, but can't quite figure out the cup. Morgan currently has two teeth and Matt thinks she has more on the way! I'm hoping she (and we) get a teething break for now though.
Sleep. Ohhhhh sleep. I miss it. It's been a rough month of sleepless nights! Naps are going great, though. Morgan will typically take a 60-90 min morning nap, then will take a few cat naps in the afternoon. We still lay her down between 7-7:30, but she's awake multiple times a night. That's really all I have to say about sleep! I started this post yesterday and it just so happens that Morgan slept through the night last night!!!! Wahoo!
We had quite a few firsts this month with our girl! First teeth, first plane ride, first bus ride, first night away from both Matt and I, first tummy bug, and first run in the stroller without the carseat adapter! I can't wait to see what our firsts are for this month :)
Bathtime with dad
Peek-a-boo, singing
Still really loving me
Her PACI- a lifesaver for us
The pool
Strangers and crowds
Sleepiness. And sleep.
Poopy diapers
We love you sweet girl!!
Sleep. Ohhhhh sleep. I miss it. It's been a rough month of sleepless nights! Naps are going great, though. Morgan will typically take a 60-90 min morning nap, then will take a few cat naps in the afternoon. We still lay her down between 7-7:30, but she's awake multiple times a night. That's really all I have to say about sleep! I started this post yesterday and it just so happens that Morgan slept through the night last night!!!! Wahoo!
We had quite a few firsts this month with our girl! First teeth, first plane ride, first bus ride, first night away from both Matt and I, first tummy bug, and first run in the stroller without the carseat adapter! I can't wait to see what our firsts are for this month :)
Bathtime with dad
Peek-a-boo, singing
Still really loving me
Her PACI- a lifesaver for us
The pool
Strangers and crowds
Sleepiness. And sleep.
Poopy diapers
We love you sweet girl!!