Two weeks ago Morgan and I had quite the whirlwind trip to Chicago!! Here's how our crazy trip went, day by day!
Tuesday- I worked all day, picked up Morgan from daycare, went home and we did our normal thing. Matt bathed her and we put her to bed around 7:15 so I could finish packing and we could eat dinner. I put sleeping Morgan in her carseat around 8 and we made it to Augusta around 10:30 without a peep from the backseat!
Wednesday- up at 6 and out the door with my mom, McKenzie and Morgan by 7:45, Atlanta bound for the airport . We get to Atlanta around 10:30, only for me to get a text update from United informing me that my flight was canceled due to Chicago storms. Cue anger and total frustration. We sat in the airport parking lot for over an hour trying to get situated until we decide to rebook for the next morning. We all go for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, then head to my friend Lea's house to stay the night. Lea and I hang out at her house with all the kids for awhile, then decide to hit up a little shopping and dinner.

Thursday- up at 6 and out the door by 7 for the airport, again! This time all is flawless(ish). No caffeine or much to eat, plus the plane ride (I always get plane sick), plus the car ride to my friend Rachel's house in Chicago resulted in me getting sick and having a headache for the majority of the day. I ended up taking a nap with Morgan and woke up refreshed. Rachel and her baby, Foster (born two weeks after Morgan!), Lea, Morgan and I went for a walk in their neighborhood, then ordered a deep dish pizza for dinner- so yum! We went to bed super early, thankfully!

Friday- Rachel had to work, so after the babies woke up from their morning nap, Lea and I packed them up in the Ergos and hopped on the bus for the zoo! We walked around for a few hours before taking it back to Rachel's apartment to wait for her to get off work. I'm pretty sad we didn't make it to the Bean, my favorite Chicago tourist spot!! Our friend Marlys joined us for dinner- Thai food- and we just chatted until we got too sleepy to talk any longer!

Saturday- we all get up, pack up the babies, grab some breakfast, then walk to the lake for a little picnic! At this point I'm really wishing we had rescheduled our flight home for the next day. We walked into town one last time and grabbed ice cream sundaes-- so delicious-- then threw our bags in the car for the airport! I took motion sickness meds and felt 100% better for the flight home! Morgan slept again, which was perfect- she ended up being a great little traveler! My parents picked us up from the airport and we made the 2 hour drive home, with a pit stop at Chick-fil-a.
Sunday- my mom grabbed Morgan from me after she was up at 5:30 to nurse and let me sleep until 8:30- amazing!! We hung out with my parents and sister and McKenzie until lunchtime. Morgan and I headed back home and made it back around 3:30. It was a busy 5 days and we're glad to be home!!