Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Because it's a slow night..

Since it's another slow night here at the hospital, I figured I'd do this running survey I found on another bloggers site.

  • Best Run Ever
Hm, not sure if I can pick just one. I loved the Savannah half marathon because it was my first time running a half in under 2 hours. It was also my sisters first one and she did excellent! Annnddd I beat Adam, my bro-in-law and that made it all worth it! We would've run it again this year, but it was Meagan and Adam's wedding day so they refused to run, be sore, then hobble down the aisle ;) We'll definitely be doing it again in 2013 though!

Running with Meg and Adam in the Savannah half

  • Three(ish) Words that Describe My Running
Reflective, relaxing, hard
I usually don't listen to music when I run (half because I want to hear what's going on around me, half because I think I actually slow down when I listen), because I like to think. I pray, count blessings, argue with myself, replay conversations, etc. And I say hard because running is never easy for me; I definitely have to work at it and motivate myself to try harder!

  • My Go-To Running Outfit 
I'm pretty laid back with what I run in. I don't tend to run in pants or long sleeves, I just get too hot. I tend to gravitate towards brighter colors, and I can NEVER have too many running tops! Otherwise I just like easy breathing material!

I wore this outfit in the Nashville half and again in Chicago!

  • Quirky Habit While Running
I tend to mutter a lot when I run, more so at the goober-ific drivers that don't see me, and now that I run with my garmin I sneak a peek every mile when it beeps to check out my pace. I run with my house key tied to my shorts string, so I'm always patting at it to make sure I haven't lost it anywhere!
  • Morning, Mid-day, or Evening
I used to be a hardcore afternoon/evening runner, but I've turned myself into this have-to-get-up-and-run early riser. Working nights helped me shift this way, and I always feel better in the morning!

  • I Won’t Run Outside When It’s
...I'll always choose to run outside...the treadmill and I just don't get along. I've run in rain, snow, heat, cold, etc. I love it! Maybe I'll say ice, I won't run outside if it's iced over...I'm quite clumsy so I could see that ending badly.

  • Worst Injury – And How I Got Over It
I've had 6 knee surgeries, most before I was really into running. I had to get screws taken out of both knees about 3 months apart in 2008, but I was back to running quickly both times
  • I Felt Most Like a Bad Mother Runner When
I finished the Chicago marathon right around my goal time of 4:30 (I finished in 4:32!) And when I PR'd in Orlando with a half marathon time of 1:56!

  • Potential Running Goal for 2013
I'm planning on doing the Chicago marathon again in October and would really like to shave 15 minutes off my time and possibly finish in 4:15. I also have quite a few half marathons in mind and I'd like to finish all of them right around the 2 hour mark. A triathlon might be in the books too, we shall see!

  • Next Race Is
This coming Saturday, December 8th is the Kiawah Island half marathon. I'm not properly trained which I know I'll regret, but I'm hoping to stick around 2 hours!

And the last race I ran was this past Saturday, a 10k with my sister. The course was super hilly and it was mapped a little long (6.42 miles- and yes, I verified with this with the website- last year it was too short, this year too long!)

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