Monday, December 31, 2012

Playing catch-up

I know I always say this, but weekends fly by too fast. And I never have time to post anything during them...mainly due to the fact (this weekend) that Matt and dad rediscovered Angry Birds and therefore my iPad was hijacked all weekend long. 

Now time to play catch up. 
Thursday morning I got up and did my long run for the week- 8 miles. I think I remember it being a pretty decent, but very chilly run. After a much needed shower, Matt and I met up and took Scott and Megan lunch. They started moving into their new house and it is gorgeous!

We headed home shortly after and made it in time for dinner and Riley's birthday gathering. I enjoyed seeing my whole family together.

Friday morning I forced my way through a 4-mile run, Matt and papa left to play golf; Meg, McKenzie, and I had a lovely lunch date; mom had a doctors appointment, McKenzie and I did a lot of shopping (and ice cream eating), and dad made pizzas on his smoker for dinner.

Saturday morning I hit the trails (which I don't like anymore) for a 5-miler before Matt and I went to visit with his grandparents, mom, sister, and niece. We had lunch at Chick-fil-a, spent a lot of time working a puzzle, and enjoyed good conversation. 

Meg, McKenzie, Matt, and myself (all those m's!!) then headed to the zoo. We got there about 45 minutes before it closed down for "Lights at the Zoo", so we hustled our way through to see as many animals as we could! Of course we went to my all time favorite exhibit first...the gorillas!

We left and had another meal at Chick-fil-a before bundling back up to see all the lights. We had so much fun!! I think that it may become a Christmas tradition. 

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