Sunday, August 4, 2013

Solo 13.1 and weekend adventures

We're waiting for people to arrive for McKenzie's birthday party, so I figured I'd write the post I meant to write Friday. 

Wednesday I got up and did another 6-mile run on the treadmill at 3:40am...and almost puked. I was trying to hurry up and finish so I may have pushed myself a touch too much on an empty, unawake stomach. I had 2 cups of coffee that day. And a glass of wine before bed.

Thursday morning I got up and did a 3-mile run to kick off a pretty easy paced day at the office. Matt and I made a giant salad and went to bed realllllly early. I was exhausted, which is weird since I had technically slept in 3 hours longer than the previous 3 days. McKenzie turned 5 this day and we had quite the interesting, all over the place, FaceTime session. Can't believe she is FIVE!

Friday I managed a super slow solo half marathon....fairly certain a half marathon was in the training plan so I'd actually race one and put forth way more effort than I did. I ran a new route and a) ran way further than I expected one way, b) didn't think to take water or figure out places to stop along the way (there were none), and c) the sun was pounding on me on the run back. I ran the opposite way down Bluffton Parkway and there are nooooo stores or places to stop for water- finally begged some folks at NAPA auto parts to let me use their water fountain. This was after 10 miles. So really I didn't stop drinking for the rest of the day...dehydration is no fun!

Meg might kill me if I don't help her decorate, so I'll recap on this weekend later. 
Happy Sunday!

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