Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday funday

My grumpy pants were gone the rest of the week, thankfully. I don't know what my deal was Monday!

I managed to get a 7-mile run in before work Thursday, which wasn't that bad since I didn't have to get up until Matt did. We had a fairly slow day at the coworker had plenty of time to convince me to sign up for the color run in Savannah next weekend. I'm a sucker but I'm kinda pumped about a short, really fun run. Matt and I had dinner together, then went over to Megan and Scott's. We hopped on their golf cart with Chance to go deer sighting and check out a few lots for sale- no luck...everything is quite expensive out there! We came home and Matt attempted to perform surgery on my falling-off-already toenail. He just made it bleed.

Friday morning I slept in until a glorious 7:30, then finally made it out for a 4-mile run about 8:40. I was supposed to do 5, but decided in the heat and humidity that 4 would suffice. I came home and walked Macie for another mile, so it totally counts :) Matt and I had a lunch appointment with his insurance guy to talk life insurance; such a fun topic. We finished that up and I headed over to Palmetto Running Company to get analyzed and fitted for some running shoes. The guy spent a good bit of time with me so I ended up buying a pair from him...then headed on over to Dicks to buy a second pair :) I'm hoping to switch off between the two so I'm not buying shoes every 3-4 months. Also got some socks that are way comfy.

Got my haircut, picked up a few things from Target, and met Matt back at home for our date night to Guiseppi's. We ordered, got a sweet vacuum from BB&B with our remaining gift cards, then rented a movie. It was a relaxing way to kick off the weekend!!

Saturday morning I was up before my alarm to cross a long run off my list for the week- 10 miles in my new socks and shoes. I was going to wear my new camelback but chickened out. I might try it during a short run this week when less people will see me to make fun of me! Matt took Macie to the vet while I was running (more skin infections) then went up to his parents to work on their hunting land. I got home, showered, then sat on the couch watching chick flicks. Also ordered two pairs of pants from Gap for $35...major sale...and free shipping, score! We looked at a couple more lots when he got home, got some ice cream, then took off for Savannah for Michael and Kristen's engagement party at Kevin and Gail's house- so nice. We had fun catching up with friends and partaking in a low country boil. We got home at 11ish and promptly fell asleep.

Short sweaty hair is way easier than long sweaty hair!!

We didn't set any alarms for this morning, so somehow we slept in until 9:15!! Still plenty of time to get to late church, make lunch, grocery shop, cook my meals for the week (and Matt's for tomorrow night), go to Best Buy, and pick up dinner and a movie. We're about to pop in the movie then head off to bed. Monday is back again tomorrow!

Have a lovely week :)

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