Sunday, January 31, 2016

G'bye January!

So, the goals that I was supposed to start in January didn't quite happen. I'm hopeful for a fresh slate in February! I want to run at least 3 times a week, get out for a 30 minute walk with Morgan and the dogs every day, and eat healthier. Also need to budget in February because January definitely got ugly.

Anyway, on to my weekly recap that's mostly a ton of pictures of my babe ;)

Matt left Thursday morning to duck hunt in Arkansas with Bobby and Daniel for the last weekend of the season (YAY!!!). I don't think they've done much hunting, but they've definitely had a good guys weekend! 

Morgan and I did nada Wednesday or Thursday, so by Friday cabin fever was setting in. We loaded up and drove to Pooler Friday morning to visit with Molly, Emily, and Kate. We had fun! We were back home mid afternoon and took the dogs on a walk, since I'd been neglecting them too the prior few days. 

My sister made it down early Friday evening and we stayed up way past my recent bedtime chatting. It was nice having someone to talk with during Morgans middle of the night feeding session and the extra hands to bottle feed her in the morning while I pumped. We chilled out at home yesterday morning then headed out for lunch and shopping around 1. We did some damage at the outlets and Morgan now has some 6 month clothes added to her closet! We came home and relaxed while watching a few movies and feeding/playing/bathing Morgan- who totally had her first poopy incident in the tub, yikes,

This morning we relaxed for a bit then decided Meg would watch Morgan while I ran a few errands, versus all loading up and going. It was nice to grocery shop without the fear of a screaming baby in my buggy ;) Meg is getting her stuff gathered now and then Morgan and I are on our own again! Hoping for a smooth day full of getting all my chores done!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Photo dump + our weekend

Happy Monday! Mondays are fine around here right now since going to work isn't involved :) I won't be so okay with them in a few more weeks...

So, I went on my first run in 10 weeks last Wednesday! It was rough. I knew it would be, but there was a teeny tiny thought that it might just come super easy, ha! 10 weeks is the longest I've ever taken off since really getting hooked to running my junior year in college- that was 8 years ago! And I had two knee surgeries during that time (I was back on the treadmill with sutures still in the second go around- not recommended). Anyway, I took Morgan in the stroller and she was excellent and just slept the whole way. I ran/walked two miles with her then walked one with the dogs and the neighbors kid. Since I was pretty sore the following day I didn't even attempt to go again until yesterday- ran two miles solo...and slow, but felt much better! One run at a time. 

We had a pretty chill  (and chilly) weekend around here! Friday night we made some shrimp pizza, had a fire, and watched the Blacklist. Matt was up early Saturday morning to duck hunt with Scout, so after Morgans early morning feed we both went back to sleep for a few hours. Matt and I sat around the fire for the rest of the morning and early afternoon and watched The Martian, which was pretty good! We finally showered later in the afternoon so we could head to Savannah for dinner with Cassady, Daniel, Shane, and Alissa. Morgan was a trooper and slept through most of dinner and actually had a decent night considering we messed with her schedule and weren't home until 11:15!

Sunday morning she and I were up by 7ish and made coffee and breakfast while Matt slept in- he ended up snoozing until 8:30, which is unheard of for him! We live streamed church from our iPad since we definitely weren't going to make it to the 9:15 service! Afterwards, I started on chores while he worked in the yard. He watched Morgan so I could grocery shop and then go on that run. We made a delicious dinner and were in bed at a decent hour, like usual :)

Here are a few pictures from our week, all of Morgan of course :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

One month update

Our sweet babe turned 1 month ten days ago!! Time is flying by and it's making me try to slow down and enjoy all the baby snuggles I can. She won't be little long.
PS- I've been trying to write this post for over a week but my pictures have been blurry! I think I've fixed the problem for now :)

She's starting to be a happy little girl the majority of the day, especially in the mornings! She gives us a million little smiles and coos after she gets unswadlded :) Sleep is getting way better now too- she typically goes to sleep between 8:30-9 and wakes up anywhere between 12-1am to eat and then not again until 5-6am. Matt is usually up by the second feed getting ready for work so it makes getting up early so much easier.

I swung by the office last week to drop off a few things and weighed her while I was there- she was up to 9lbs 4oz! I was actually thinking she would be closer to 10lbs, but she's following her growth curve perfectly and is now in the 43rd percentile for weight. She's moved up to size 1 diapers and is out of most of her newborn clothes, which makes me so sad.

The car seat (only if we're moving)
Our daily walks

Her swing- the new one!
Bath time with dad

A dirty diaper

I had my 6 week postpartum check yesterday and am all cleared for exercise again, so miss Morgan will be going on her first run with mom today! I have a strong suspicion it's going to be incredibly humbling and I know I'll be super sore tomorrow, eeks.

Friday, January 8, 2016

2016 goals...

It's a new year! I always love the "clean slate" feeling of starting a new year. I'm usually one of those people that if I try setting goals, it has to be on the 1st of any month. Since having Morgan, things have changed a little (a lot) and all my goals for this year haven't even been implemented yet and it's already over a week into the year. I'm not deterred yet though ;) I'm learning patience and trying to mold my partially type A personality into a more laid back approach. Totally necessary. So, here are my goals for the year, in no particular order...

- Be the best mom I can be. I realize that I'll never be a perfect parent or know all the answers. I know that once Matt and I figure out one thing about Morgan (i.e. her sleep habits) she will inevitably change the next night. Or hour. We love being her parents and I'm learning an incredibly a lot about patience. And more patience. And learning that my daily to-do lists, or even making the bed, aren't going to be accomplished every day. Also learning to give myself a break and not feel guilty for not making the bed, or washing my hair, or bathing at all for that matter. Yikes.

- Trying to make breast feeding work. It is HARD work feeding a tiny human. I almost quit before 3 weeks, but really would like to make to work for a year <-- that's my A goal. My B goal is 6 months, my C goal is 3 months, and my D goal was 4 weeks, which we surpassed yesterday. It's definitely gotten easier, especially with Morgan sleeping 4-5 hours at nighttime and having Matt feed her a bottle of pumped milk once in the evenings. I'm also trying to pump at least twice a day- once in the morning to freeze to try and create a stash for when I go back to work and she goes to daycare; the second at night to provide the bottle that Matt feeds her in the evenings. 

- Get back in the habit of reading God's word daily and having quiet time with Him. Obviously since having the babe we haven't been to church and I haven't been reading my bible at all. I can blame sleep deprived nights all day long, but I have plenty of time to play around on my phone and do other pointless activities, so I can make the time to read what's really important. 

- Start eating balanced meals again. Cut out the sweets. Cut out the fast food. Drink more water. It's been 9+ months of eating whatever I want whenever I want without really worrying about it. Besides wanting to drop the 20 lbs I still have to lose, I really want to feel better. I blame the food choices I've been making as of late. Plus I have to eat well to keep making good milk ;)

- Ease back into running and working out. I stopped running at 36 weeks and stopped bootcamp at 34 weeks of pregnancy, so I've just been walking for quite a few weeks. I haven't been cleared by my OB yet, but when I do I'm not going to lace up and attempt even a 3 mile run the next day. I've lost a ton of muscle and I always worry about my knees flaring up again, so it's important for me to build a decent base after being MIA from the game for so long. I do have two races in mind for March- a 10k and a 10 miler (or can drop down to an 8k or 5k), and a half marathon in April. I won't sign up for any of these until it gets closer and I feel like I'm ready. Also thinking about starting bootcamp again at the end of next month, but want to have a decent core built up again before I go back and she kicks my butt!

- Start blogging more often. I crapped out after August of last year because my phone broke and it took me about 6 weeks to get another one and could upload the pictures to the site. I just lost momentum after not doing it for so long. I wasn't sure I wanted to continue, but I read over old posts and realized how much I enjoyed writing them and re-reading them months later. I feel like it will help me document a lot of what's going on Morgan, for my benefit. Plus my mom reads it :)

- I am AWFUL with my phone and I need to put it down way more often.

- Work on our budget again. We've been slack for far too long! Plus, I don't go back to work until March and am without pay until then, so a budget is a must!

That's it for now!

(She's already changed SO much!!)