Friday, January 8, 2016

2016 goals...

It's a new year! I always love the "clean slate" feeling of starting a new year. I'm usually one of those people that if I try setting goals, it has to be on the 1st of any month. Since having Morgan, things have changed a little (a lot) and all my goals for this year haven't even been implemented yet and it's already over a week into the year. I'm not deterred yet though ;) I'm learning patience and trying to mold my partially type A personality into a more laid back approach. Totally necessary. So, here are my goals for the year, in no particular order...

- Be the best mom I can be. I realize that I'll never be a perfect parent or know all the answers. I know that once Matt and I figure out one thing about Morgan (i.e. her sleep habits) she will inevitably change the next night. Or hour. We love being her parents and I'm learning an incredibly a lot about patience. And more patience. And learning that my daily to-do lists, or even making the bed, aren't going to be accomplished every day. Also learning to give myself a break and not feel guilty for not making the bed, or washing my hair, or bathing at all for that matter. Yikes.

- Trying to make breast feeding work. It is HARD work feeding a tiny human. I almost quit before 3 weeks, but really would like to make to work for a year <-- that's my A goal. My B goal is 6 months, my C goal is 3 months, and my D goal was 4 weeks, which we surpassed yesterday. It's definitely gotten easier, especially with Morgan sleeping 4-5 hours at nighttime and having Matt feed her a bottle of pumped milk once in the evenings. I'm also trying to pump at least twice a day- once in the morning to freeze to try and create a stash for when I go back to work and she goes to daycare; the second at night to provide the bottle that Matt feeds her in the evenings. 

- Get back in the habit of reading God's word daily and having quiet time with Him. Obviously since having the babe we haven't been to church and I haven't been reading my bible at all. I can blame sleep deprived nights all day long, but I have plenty of time to play around on my phone and do other pointless activities, so I can make the time to read what's really important. 

- Start eating balanced meals again. Cut out the sweets. Cut out the fast food. Drink more water. It's been 9+ months of eating whatever I want whenever I want without really worrying about it. Besides wanting to drop the 20 lbs I still have to lose, I really want to feel better. I blame the food choices I've been making as of late. Plus I have to eat well to keep making good milk ;)

- Ease back into running and working out. I stopped running at 36 weeks and stopped bootcamp at 34 weeks of pregnancy, so I've just been walking for quite a few weeks. I haven't been cleared by my OB yet, but when I do I'm not going to lace up and attempt even a 3 mile run the next day. I've lost a ton of muscle and I always worry about my knees flaring up again, so it's important for me to build a decent base after being MIA from the game for so long. I do have two races in mind for March- a 10k and a 10 miler (or can drop down to an 8k or 5k), and a half marathon in April. I won't sign up for any of these until it gets closer and I feel like I'm ready. Also thinking about starting bootcamp again at the end of next month, but want to have a decent core built up again before I go back and she kicks my butt!

- Start blogging more often. I crapped out after August of last year because my phone broke and it took me about 6 weeks to get another one and could upload the pictures to the site. I just lost momentum after not doing it for so long. I wasn't sure I wanted to continue, but I read over old posts and realized how much I enjoyed writing them and re-reading them months later. I feel like it will help me document a lot of what's going on Morgan, for my benefit. Plus my mom reads it :)

- I am AWFUL with my phone and I need to put it down way more often.

- Work on our budget again. We've been slack for far too long! Plus, I don't go back to work until March and am without pay until then, so a budget is a must!

That's it for now!

(She's already changed SO much!!)

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