So, I thought I'd tell you a little bit about my work days at the hospital and what I actually do. I feel some people are under the impression I get to sit and rock babies all day :) Any pictures in this post are not from my personal collection or are any babies that I have taken care of- privacy still exists, except for the people who post on google!
A typical day goes like this- and feel free to stop reading when boredom approaches.
4:45 am- alarm goes off
4:50 am- Macie starts freaking out if I haven't gotten out of bed yet
4:55 am- shower
5:00 am- Macie finally gets her potty break and breakfast (and her daily antibiotic)
5:45 am- leave for work
6:30 am- arrive at work, clock in, put up lunch
6:45 am- get report from night shift nurses
7:00-7:45 am- get familiarized with my babies for the day, check charts, catch up on email, etc
Premature babies are still growing and since they should technically still be in the womb, they require minimal stimulation; so we're only supposed to mess with them at their designated "touch times". Today I have two babies that are super young and super small- a 7 day old who weighs 1.252 kg (roughly 2.7 lbs) and a 12 day old who weighs 1.089 kg (roughly 2.4 lbs)
8 am- this morning I had one 8, 11, 2, 5 feeder, and two 9, 12, 3, 6 feeders
I assess the baby at their initial touch time, i.e. listen to heart tones, lung sounds, belly action. I take their temperature and mess with the settings on their isolettes if needed. They all get diaper changes (so I change lots and lots of diaper a day- a minimum of 12-16), and then they get their feed. All my babies today have feeding tubes, so all I do is pull up their formula or breast milk into a syringe and hang it on a feeding pump.
9-10am- I assess, feed, and chart on my other two babies
The doctors rounded today about this time, so I got new med and lab orders on two of my babies, and the decision to retart phototherapy lights on my other one. His next touch time wasn't until 12, so I didn't restart the lights until then. It consists of getting him naked, changing his temperature settings on his isolette, and actually finding the phototherapy lights and getting them hooked up; then I had to do a radiometer check to make sure the right amount of light was hitting my baby.

I'm usually an early eater, so I headed for my lunch break right about 12:30. Today I'm in the ICN (intermediate care nursery) and there are usually 3-4 nurses in this pod, but we only have 2 today so we had to tag team with our bathroom and lunch breaks. After lunch the day typically starts to slow down, since the doctors are done rounding and most major changes have already taken place, hence the reason I have time to blog! Today we have a few screamers, so we've had our hands full plugging in pacifiers and re-swaddling the escape artists.
The day usually starts to speed back up around 5pm with the last feeding and vital sign rounds. I also get to hang new tubing for TPN and lipids (nutrition through an IV), which is not my favorite thing to do.
I usually take off right after I pass on the babies to the night shift nurse, mainly because of the 45 minute commute back home. So far I haven't gotten in trouble for clocking out before the mandated 7:08 time, so I'll continue to get the heck out of dodge while I can!
I usually get home right about 8 and immediately take Macie out for a potty break. Usually Matt has already been by around 5 to play with her and expend some of her energy, so she's not too crazy when I get home. Then I force myself to do tae bo most nights (I realllllly have to talk myself into it because I'm usually exhausted), I make my lunch for the next day, shower, and read in bed or browse the internet for a bit before I call it a night.
So, there you have it! A day at work in the NICU- not quite as exciting as the last job I had, but I really do enjoy the babies I get to work and snuggle with and I feel like this is what I'm supposed to be doing with my life right now. Just remind me of that after a day full of loud screamers :)