Friday, September 14, 2012

First blog post!

Ok, sister thinks I'm stupid for starting a blog...and I might be, especially after going through all the crap to set this sucker up. And I still need to figure out how to set up privacy stuff so only family can read; so if you got here and you aren't family, don't be mean or hateful about my mundane life! 

I love, love reading and following blogs, even those of total strangers and I thought it'd be fun to start one of my own! My life isn't as interesting as those of people with kids or super cool jobs or fun travels, but perhaps Macie's crazy antics will suffice as decent entertainment. Though, now that I'm thinking about it, Macie has been pretty boring today.

Today I accepted another job! I'll be working at Seaside Pedatrics as an RN one to two days a week. I'm hoping that I won't get too burned out with working twelve hour shifts at the hospital and then working more on my days off, especially when dreaded night shift comes back into play. I'm excited about the job though and the opportunity to make a little extra money so close to home.

Marathon training- sucking. I can't blame the weather right now since it's been in the 70s every day this week. Trying to conquer even 13 miles seems daunting right now, much less 26. I ordered a GPS watch last week and it finally shipped today, so I'm hoping it'll give me motivation to go more miles! Starting a new job isn't going to help much with training; oops. I also ordered the new iPod nano today in celebration...only because they don't sell ANY iPod nano's in stores right now since they're being revamped. Hoping to get it before the marathon! (its not shipping until a surprise day in October)

That's all for tonight I think. I'm gonna lay here and watch "Yes to the Dress" and keep texting back and forth with Meg about the show...though I wish she had come up here this weekend! Hopefully my blog becomes more interesting with time...have a lovely weekend!

Verse of the day: "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21

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