Sunday, September 23, 2012

67 hours and Matt's birthday

So, I started this blog the night before I started a 67 hour work week and somehow I barely survived! I worked at the hospital Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Wednesday with 8 hour days at the peds office Tuesday and Thursday. Thankfully, this coming week is a normal 40- hour week!

On to the fun stuff- Matt turned 29 Saturday! Thursday evening after work we celebrated with a yummy dinner at Kobe, a hibachi grill, and it was delicioussssss. We were so full we barely put a dent in our cold stone dessert, which is highly unlike us. Macie gave her dad her present, which included lots of Gamecock paraphernalia- a gameday polo shirt, coffee mug, and koozie, and also the 4th season of Castle

On Friday I slept in until 7:30 and then hit the floor running, literally! I did an 8-mile run, walked Macie, picked up Matt's present (a kayak!), drug it up the stairs and into the apartment by myself, went to the grocery store, and then baked for 5 hours before heading up to Matt's parents house for the night. I made two cakes, a cookie dough cake for Matt and an Oreo cake for his twin, Brandi. I also made some Oreo cupcakes, which involved 2 pounds of cream cheese so I was deterred from actually taste-testing them.

Matt came to pick me up for his parents and got soooooo excited about his gift, which led us to be quite late. But his reaction was priceless and well worth it.

He loves it!

Sadly, I didn't get any pictures from the big birthday bash, but we all had a crazy fun time. The entire family ended up making it, so there were 14 adults, 5 kids aged 4 and under, plus 4 dogs- pure madness!! I got up early to run and then Molly, Margaret, Brandi and I went outlet shopping while the men hunted and watched the kids. The USC game came on and we had a delicious dinner at halftime with cake following after. I was in a house full of Gamecock lovers, so I'm actually thankful they won just so there wouldn't be a gazillion angry fans to deal with. Matt and I left after the game so we could get home in time for the UGA/Vandy game....and to feed Macie since we only took enough food for breakfast. Georgia kicked Vandys butt and I fell asleep exhausted and happy.

Good day with good people, and I have a very thankful birthday boy.

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