I got a late start this morning, but somehow managed to finish a 10- mile run with a decent time, though not without pain. That run hurt! Then I took Macie for a 30 minute walk in an attempt to cool down.
This afternoon I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and take Macie to the beach so I could get some sun and she could play. Fail. I might've gotten a touch of sun in between all.the.ball.throwing. If I put the ball down she was all over me to throw it again; definitely not a self entertaining pup. We only lasted an hour since she ran around the entire time. So, we packed it up, ran to the grocery and pet store, and came home so we could both get clean. Little side note- I have many reasons for wanting a house vs an apartment, but today the number one reason was because I want a backyard to bathe Macie in! She loves water but hates baths, so it's torturous to wash her in a little tub. Anyway, here are some pretty fun action shots from the beach.
She looks like she's laughing here- love it!
Throw the ball mom!
Bat dog
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