Oh, hey Monday...feels like another Saturday to me, because I am OFF! There are definitely pros to going back to night shift for 8 weeks :) I won't start in on the cons.
Here's lots of randomness for you today.
Matt and I are doing this plank challenge in January...and we both have no idea how we'll be planking for 5 minutes come the end if the month. Pretty sure we thought we would die before the 90 seconds were up last night.
Macie turned two yesterday! I had big plans for her, including party hats and a walk on the beach...but she was limping from their duck hunt Saturday and CVS doesn't sell party hats. Fail. She did get her fair share of couch time, a pancake for breakfast, and a walk around the block (that left her limping more than before, oops).
Mom sent me Olaf. He is pretty awesome and Matt and I crack up on a daily basis on how funny looking he is.
The new version of my running shoes came out yesterday! I've gotten a million comments on my current ones (I think because of the bright laces), but I am really loving how fun and bright the new ones are. Pretty pumped I'm due for some new ones next month.

I discovered the Dopey Challenge at Disney World and I kinda feel crazy enough to try it next year.
And my last random musing for this fine Monday morning- coffee tastes terrible when it's cold!
Happy day :)
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