Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's cold.

It's cold today. Very cold. I'm a wimp.
It's going to be cold again in the morning and since I skipped my run today, I HAVE to go in the morning. I have my pants, gloves, and ear warmers already laid out.

Nothing much has happened in this Thomas house the past week. Last week I worked Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at the hospital and Thursday at the office. I've already resolved (and emailed my manager) to take off the the last week of December to have a stay-cation at home with Matt since they close down the last two weeks of the year. I was way too jealous getting up and going to work these past two weeks knowing he was off and at home. This week we're back to normal! And tomorrow is my last day at the office! 

Saturday I reluctantly took down the Christmas tree and all the decorations; such a sad time. Matt and Macie went duck hunting so they took naps while I finished cleaning and organizing. Speaking of Macie, she will be two this coming Saturday!! Time flies.

Sunday was church, errands, a fast run, dinner with Megan, Scott, Chance, and Gracie Bea before Megan and I went to see Catching Fire- so good!!! We both need to reread the books as we got confused too many times. Monday I was at the hospital, today was supposed to be a half day at the office, but I stayed until 3:30ish. I went to the recycling place, Barnes and Noble to get a book for Matt, got some hot chocolate, and didn't go for a run :) I made chicken pot pie for dinner and it was the perfect meal for this super chilly day.

Random note- I signed up for the Runners World Hat Trick this weekend!! It's in October, in Pennsylvania, and is a 5k, 10k, and a half in one weekend. I believe I've convinced Stephanie to join!

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