Another round of nightshift wrapped up...last weeks Monday- Wednesday nights were pretty good. Thursday I was offered a full time position at the peds office and I took it!! Yay for a fixed schedule, no holidays, no weekends, no nights, and no commute!
I can't really remember what I did Friday...I know I ran, went to the dry cleaners, the car wash, and picked up dinner for Matt's mom, myself, and Matt. We stayed up at the parents' Friday night since he was doing a whole lot of last-duck-hunting-weekend-of-the-season and I was picking up my friend Lindsey in Charleston Saturday.
Saturday morning was the Race for Ellie 10k (real) trail was really a trail race and it.was.HARD! I am not a fan. It was 27 degrees and the race was 30 minutes late starting, but once we started moving I warmed up quickly. Ended up placing 2nd in my age group :) First race of 2014 done!
I picked up Linds from the airport right at 5, checked into our super cute hotel, then set about walking the city and exploring. We fell asleep at a decent hour since Lindsey had been awake all day after working Friday night.
Sunday I got up and did a quick run around downtown before we packed it up, checked out, then headed outside the city for brunch at the Fat Hen- we love breakfast food and mimosa's! I miss our after work breakfasts in Atlanta. We walked our food off all around downtown shopping, then got ice cream to cap off our trip. I think we made it home around 4 just as Matt was waking up from his afternoon nap. We rented Captain Phillips and ordered Guiseppi's for dinner...slept like babies that night :)

Yesterday Lindsey and I drove into Savannah (so I could give my resignation), ate at Tubby's, walked up and down River Street- weather was so amazing! We went to see American Hustle, which ended up being a bust (Lindsey fell asleep!)...then picked up Matt for some Japanese food with some yogurt from Lovin Spoons afterwards- we've been eating terribly!!
Today it's been very, very cold and rainy so we've stayed indoors for the most part. I'm hoping we wake up to a little snow in the morning!! A pancake breakfast and hot chocolate awaits us in the morning! And Macie is getting very spoiled by her Aunt Lindsey....whose last two flights have been canceled due to the weather!! So crazy.
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