Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Helllloooo...it's been a couple weeks, eh?

I started on my own in the unit last week, so I was wound up quite tight during those 3 days of work. Also had my first week day off in over a month...flipping heavenly. I slept in and ran a billion errands and felt like a good wife again.

We went to CS Thomases sponsored event Friday evening and while the boys mingled, the girls drank a lot of yummy wine and chatted it up. 

Saturday morning Matt and I slept until almost 9 before getting up to a big breakfast (blueberry buckle I baked Friday) and an easy run for me. We watched a lot of football and did a lot of couch sitting. We did make time to shop at Dicks for stuff we don't need, took Macie to chase birds Matt shot at with a slingshot, and I made my first pork tenderloin. In bed by 8:45 on a Saturday night; real party animals over here ;)

Sunday morning Matt got up at 3:30 to hunt birds..crazy talk. I rolled out of bed at 8 and took it easy ;) He made it make in time for church, we had leftovers for lunch, then he settled in to take a nap and I took off grocery shopping. Fun times. We rented Hunger Games and watched it while eating salads from the BiLo salad bar and some surprisingly good duck Matt cooked up. Pretty good 3 days in my opinion.

Worked yesterday at the office and half a day today. Already having my own personal pity party that I'll be stuck at the hospital the next 3 days :/
But we'll be getting our Christmas tree Saturday so I'm pumped about that :)

Anddd I'm pumped my watch finally came in! I'll be heading out for a run between all the rain at some point this afternoon to test this baby out. Now I just need to convince Matt that a running jacket is a necessity!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

#12 and a girly weekend

Ran my 12th half marathon Saturday and it was not pretty.  I felt good until mile 5...not good when there's still 8 to go. I will definitely attempt to train better over the next 4 1/2 weeks for Kiawah.

My sister and McKenzie made me my first sign for the race!! I saw them at the finish line and the announcer guy read it over the intercom as I finished...I loved it! Meg has the race bug so we're doing the Savannah bridge run in December, the Augusta half in February, then the Savannah half next year.  Running is addicting I tell you. 

Starting from the beginning...

Matt left Thursday afternoon for the hunting club so Macie and I had a chill evening full of new toys. I was supposed to run with my friend Jen Friday morning and totally forgot! I came home from a short 3 miles to a missed call and 4 texts from her asking where I was. Thankfully her gym is right by my apartment complex so she popped over there for a boot camp class before we headed to work.

Mom, Meg, and McKenzie arrived in Bluffton right around 4 on Friday. They came by the office to rescue me from work for the afternoon and for McKenzie to get the flu mist. Anddddd they brought me a doughnut, yum! We went home and all immediately changed into our pajamas. We ordered dinner in and watched Friends DVDs all night before heading to bed at 9ish.

We woke up before 4:45am Saturday morning to make the drive into Savannah for the race. We met up with Shane, Alissa, and Shane's parents to drive us closer to the start line. It worked out perfectly; we walked into our corrals at about 6:50...no waiting in the cold! Like I said before, this race was hard for me. No training or consistent running since the marathon made me curse myself throughout the whole run. I was so thankful to be done. 

We all headed home afterwards and I took my time showering and getting ready before lunch and an afternoon of shopping. We rented Monsters University for mom, McKenzie and I to watch while Meagan and Adam went on their anniversary date. We were in bed by 8:30 and it was awesome.

We were up this morning at 7:30 and the girls were packed up and heading out the door by 9. I showered, washed a few loads of clothes, ran the dishwasher, and headed out for errands before Matt got home at 1. He had a big hunting weekend and ended up killed two nice sized bucks. Now he's asleep on the couch. We both had very fun weekends :)

My family is coming back on the 6th of December and I'm already pumped about it!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

One day...

...I WILL run the New York City marathon. One day.
I signed up in the lottery this year, but of course didn't get in due to the cancellation last year. Maybe next year? We'll see.

Weekly work recap-
Monday- office
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday- hospital. Long, awful days.
Friday- office
Glad that week is over and very hopeful this week will be better.

Friday afternoon Matt and I both got off early at 4:30...it was great! We rented a movie, ordered pizza, and drank wine. So heavenly.

Saturday morning Matt went hunting and I somehow accomplished an 8 mile run, my first and last "long" run before the Savannah half next weekend. I'm slightly scared of running it since I feel so unprepared. Oh well, it's my fault!! I met up with Molly afterwards for some much needed catching up and girly pedicures. It was wonderful chatting it up with her before Miss Emily makes her appearance...can't wait to meet her! Matt and I headed to Savannah for Bobby's birthday bash (these boys really got spoiled for their 30ths!). We had fun hanging out and watching the GA/FL game. 

Macie decided daylight savings made her wake up 8 million times throughout the night, so she and her kennel had a rekindling at about 6 this morning. Matt and I therefore had peaceful sleep until 8:15ish...soooo good! We made breakfast together then headed to church. Lunch followed, then grocery shopping, then a whole lot of cleaning took place. Matt did the tubs while I dusted and set out our fall decorations. We ran a few more errands, threw the ball with Macie (PS- really trying to talk Matt into a puppy brother for Macie in the Spring- help me out!!!), then ordered dinner while I made my lunches for the week. Now it's close to bedtime and the start of a new work week! 

Looking forward to the weekend since my mom, sis, and niece are coming!! Wahoo!

PSS- we made the paper from last weekend! We are famous ;)