Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Good friend, fun times

Another round of nightshift wrapped up...last weeks Monday- Wednesday nights were pretty good. Thursday I was offered a full time position at the peds office and I took it!! Yay for a fixed schedule, no holidays, no weekends, no nights, and no commute! 

I can't really remember what I did Friday...I know I ran, went to the dry cleaners, the car wash, and picked up dinner for Matt's mom, myself, and Matt. We stayed up at the parents' Friday night since he was doing a whole lot of last-duck-hunting-weekend-of-the-season and I was picking up my friend Lindsey in Charleston Saturday.

Saturday morning was the Race for Ellie 10k (real) trail race...it was really a trail race and it.was.HARD! I am not a fan. It was 27 degrees and the race was 30 minutes late starting, but once we started moving I warmed up quickly. Ended up placing 2nd in my age group :) First race of 2014 done!

I picked up Linds from the airport right at 5, checked into our super cute hotel, then set about walking the city and exploring. We fell asleep at a decent hour since Lindsey had been awake all day after working Friday night. 

Sunday I got up and did a quick run around downtown before we packed it up, checked out, then headed outside the city for brunch at the Fat Hen- we love breakfast food and mimosa's! I miss our after work breakfasts in Atlanta. We walked our food off all around downtown shopping, then got ice cream to cap off our trip. I think we made it home around 4 just as Matt was waking up from his afternoon nap. We rented Captain Phillips and ordered Guiseppi's for dinner...slept like babies that night :)


Yesterday Lindsey and I drove into Savannah (so I could give my resignation), ate at Tubby's, walked up and down River Street- weather was so amazing! We went to see American Hustle, which ended up being a bust (Lindsey fell asleep!)...then picked up Matt for some Japanese food with some yogurt from Lovin Spoons afterwards- we've been eating terribly!!

Today it's been very, very cold and rainy so we've stayed indoors for the most part. I'm hoping we wake up to a little snow in the morning!! A pancake breakfast and hot chocolate awaits us in the morning! And Macie is getting very spoiled by her Aunt Lindsey....whose last two flights have been canceled due to the weather!! So crazy.

Monday, January 20, 2014

I survived.

I made it through my first week back on nights!
Wednesday night was really rough and I was in a blur for the majority of the shift. I slept until 2:45 that day, took Macie on a short walk, and did tae bo for the first time in forever. Thursday night was whoa better, except the drive home was worse. I slept until 3:15 Friday and took Macie on a long walk for my exercise...I attempted p90x's ab DVD but my quads were burning from tae bo the day before so I quit after 50 seconds. Friday night was another good night, though I was tense for most of it since I was up for 3rd admit and we got two admissions by 8:45! PS- here is a picture of my average speed getting to work every evening...there are slow drivers in SC!!

I slept until Macie and Matt got home from their hunt, about 12:15ish, then drank my weight in coffee to try and stay awake! I had my best run of the year that afternoon- a progression run (these are so hard for me!) with times of 9:15, 9:09, 8:51, and 8:47! Running is feeling so good lately. We had Panera for a late lunch/early dinner and watched The Help...love that movie!

Matt got us up way too early on Sunday and I was slightly grumpy for the first 30 minutes of the day. He made a delicious breakfast and all was forgiven :)
We went to church, did our grocery shopping (at warp speed since Matt was ready for lunch), he took off to look at some land, I ran 5 miles, we went on our weekly trip to Dick's, then watched two good football games. Sunday was over way too quickly!!

I forced myself to stay in bed until 9:30 this morning, which wasn't all that hard since I'm still kinda tired from Saturday's lack of sleep. I did another (hot) 5- mile run, walked a mile with Macie, picked up Matt's dry cleaning, and just made dinner for tonight- a delicious chicken pasta salad Megan gave me the recipe for. Yum! 

Here's looking forward to Thursday morning!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Slightly freaking

I haven't worked a night shift in over a year. 
Matt and I are in bed and usually asleep by 9:30pm. 
So now I am freaking out about going back to nights in just a few short hours! I can't remember how I used to sleep or eat or even function...all I can remember are the terrible drives home every morning.

So anyway.
I have really loved my last FOUR days off! I will be working Wednesday through Friday nights this week, then Monday through Wednesday nights next week, so I'm preparing to be pretty tired until next Friday. I just hope I'm not too grumpy for Matt's sake! And I'm hoping Macie will tolerate me while I'm home and trying to sleep...which I think she'll be fine and just sleep the day away with me.

Monday I pretty much did nothing, and yesterday I got to hang out with Molly, Megan, and the sweet babies. Loved catching up and getting in a ton of baby snuggles!

 I've done pretty good with my running and am looking forward to having tomorrow off...even going to try some tae bo for the first time since July! I'm a pretty terrible daytime sleeper past 3, so I'll be using the next 8 weeks to get my butt in gear! This morning I signed up for the Augusta half Feb 23rd and the PB half March 9th...and signed Matt up for a 10k in October. Oh and we quit the plank challenge as of last night. Why in the world would we ever need to plank for 5 minutes? We lasted 1 minute before I purposefully knocked him over to end the torture. 

We wrapped up the night with the latest episode of The Blacklist! It's backkkk!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Get ready for random..

Oh, hey Monday...feels like another Saturday to me, because I am OFF! There are definitely pros to going back to night shift for 8 weeks :) I won't start in on the cons.

Here's lots of randomness for you today. 

Matt and I are doing this plank challenge in January...and we both have no idea how we'll be planking for 5 minutes come the end if the month. Pretty sure we thought we would die before the 90 seconds were up last night. 

Macie turned two yesterday! I had big plans for her, including party hats and a walk on the beach...but she was limping from their duck hunt Saturday and CVS doesn't sell party hats. Fail. She did get her fair share of couch time, a pancake for breakfast, and a walk around the block (that left her limping more than before, oops).

Mom sent me Olaf. He is pretty awesome and Matt and I crack up on a daily basis on how funny looking he is. 

The new version of my running shoes came out yesterday! I've gotten a million comments on my current ones (I think because of the bright laces), but I am really loving how fun and bright the new ones are. Pretty pumped I'm due for some new ones next month.

I discovered the Dopey Challenge at Disney World and I kinda feel crazy enough to try it next year. 
48.6 miles in 4 days...whoa.

And my last random musing for this fine Monday morning- coffee tastes terrible when it's cold!
Happy day :)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's cold.

It's cold today. Very cold. I'm a wimp.
It's going to be cold again in the morning and since I skipped my run today, I HAVE to go in the morning. I have my pants, gloves, and ear warmers already laid out.

Nothing much has happened in this Thomas house the past week. Last week I worked Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at the hospital and Thursday at the office. I've already resolved (and emailed my manager) to take off the the last week of December to have a stay-cation at home with Matt since they close down the last two weeks of the year. I was way too jealous getting up and going to work these past two weeks knowing he was off and at home. This week we're back to normal! And tomorrow is my last day at the office! 

Saturday I reluctantly took down the Christmas tree and all the decorations; such a sad time. Matt and Macie went duck hunting so they took naps while I finished cleaning and organizing. Speaking of Macie, she will be two this coming Saturday!! Time flies.

Sunday was church, errands, a fast run, dinner with Megan, Scott, Chance, and Gracie Bea before Megan and I went to see Catching Fire- so good!!! We both need to reread the books as we got confused too many times. Monday I was at the hospital, today was supposed to be a half day at the office, but I stayed until 3:30ish. I went to the recycling place, Barnes and Noble to get a book for Matt, got some hot chocolate, and didn't go for a run :) I made chicken pot pie for dinner and it was the perfect meal for this super chilly day.

Random note- I signed up for the Runners World Hat Trick this weekend!! It's in October, in Pennsylvania, and is a 5k, 10k, and a half in one weekend. I believe I've convinced Stephanie to join!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

Can't believe 2013 has already come and gone!

Highlights from 2013 include getting engaged, getting married, our honeymoon, Chicago, gaining two new nieces, and many, many more memories. It was a good year and I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for us :)

Here were my goals (per my post last year) for 2013

1. To read Jesus Calling, a daily devotional
2. To run the Chicago marathon (again) and set a personal record
3. I have 5 half marathons on my schedule, 3 early in the year and 2 later
4. To compete in a triathlon with Matt
5. To lose 10-15ish pounds the healthy way

And here's what I actually accomplished :)
I wrapped up Jesus Calling yesterday, somehow finishing before the new year. For the past 2 months or so I've had to do 2-3 readings per day because I slacked off in June and randomly October.
I ran in the Chicago marathon, and while I didn't PR, I was 15 minutes better than the DC marathon the year prior and only 1 minute slower than my first. I'll take it.
I did run 5 half marathons- 4 in the beginning of the year and 1 at the end.
I did not do a triathlon and I did not lose 10-15 lbs- oops.

Here are my goals for 2014-
1. To read through the Bible again. I struggle a lot with trying to do this without a reading plan, so I've printed off the same one I used the first time.
2. To lose weight- seriously, it's time to buckle down and get healthy. I eat terribly and I'm going to do better- my goal for the year is 15 pounds.
3. I have running goals- the Hat Trick in October and to continue to run halves throughout the year- I have 2 on the calendar for the beginning and 2 at the end...I'd like to add in a few more since there won't be a marathon this year.

I have other mini goals like I did last year- again, cutting out candy and sweets from my diet, cross training a little better, stretching more often (maybe yoga? doubtful), not comparing myself to others, being more positive and uplifting to those around me (mainly coworkers), and continuing to learn and grow in my new role as a wife.

 Last night was lame per New Years Eve standards; I was in bed and watching football with Matt by 9ish and was back up at 4:30 this morning! Gotta love working the holidays ;)