Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Slightly freaking

I haven't worked a night shift in over a year. 
Matt and I are in bed and usually asleep by 9:30pm. 
So now I am freaking out about going back to nights in just a few short hours! I can't remember how I used to sleep or eat or even function...all I can remember are the terrible drives home every morning.

So anyway.
I have really loved my last FOUR days off! I will be working Wednesday through Friday nights this week, then Monday through Wednesday nights next week, so I'm preparing to be pretty tired until next Friday. I just hope I'm not too grumpy for Matt's sake! And I'm hoping Macie will tolerate me while I'm home and trying to sleep...which I think she'll be fine and just sleep the day away with me.

Monday I pretty much did nothing, and yesterday I got to hang out with Molly, Megan, and the sweet babies. Loved catching up and getting in a ton of baby snuggles!

 I've done pretty good with my running and am looking forward to having tomorrow off...even going to try some tae bo for the first time since July! I'm a pretty terrible daytime sleeper past 3, so I'll be using the next 8 weeks to get my butt in gear! This morning I signed up for the Augusta half Feb 23rd and the PB half March 9th...and signed Matt up for a 10k in October. Oh and we quit the plank challenge as of last night. Why in the world would we ever need to plank for 5 minutes? We lasted 1 minute before I purposefully knocked him over to end the torture. 

We wrapped up the night with the latest episode of The Blacklist! It's backkkk!

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