Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Birthday and Easter weekend

Matt and I will be going to bed super early again tonight because we are exhausted! Can't figure out why this week is kicking our butts so badly...maybe the weekend travels?

Last week at work didn't end up so bad, but I sure did enjoy getting to leave Friday at lunchtime. The office bought everyone lunch and cheesecake for dessert to help me celebrate the big 29. I met Megan afterwards and had my first pedicure of the year! It felt so feet are happy :)

Matt and I left around 4:30 to head for Augusta and drove the whole way in the rain..what a dreary day! We had dinner with mom and dad then stayed the night at Meg and Adams's. Matt got up early to golf with dad and I headed out for a haircut. I met up with mom and McKenzie at gymnastics then had a yummy sushi lunch before hitting up the mall for some fun shopping.

I don't know why my pictures are sideways. 

We had dinner again at mom and dads and all the siblings came over, which resulted in stupid games, Steven and Christopher wrestling, and me crying from laughing too hard. Good night :)

Easter Sunday I convinced Meg and Adam to join us for church and was so thankful there wasn't much arguing! We had lunch together afterwards then Matt and I hit the road to visit with maw for a bit.

We finally made it home around 7:30, picked up some dinner, then I rushed around cleaning/washing clothes so Monday would go off without a hitch! I did bootcamp Monday and Tuesday, then a 5 mile run this morning. More bootcamp pain in the morning! I think we win the lame prize for tonight because we will be in bed by 8 (and Matt is already asleep on the floor).
Happy hump day :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

No pictures = boring

I'm going to be boring this week, sorry ;)

Monday- 5:30am bootcamp
Tuesday- 5 mile run
Wednesday/Thursday- bootcamp
Friday- 4.25 mile run
Saturday- painful 3 mile run
Today- rest

I woke up yesterday with a terribly tight groin so my 7 miles turned into a painful 3...but I was proud I made it the 3!! Hoping to be more settled this week and actually run after two of the bootcamp classes. 

Had a great week at work and almost left on time every single day! We had a baby shower Wednesday for Ellie, a coworker, and had a lot of fun. Friday night we had a date night to Giuseppe's. Last night we drove to Statesboro to celebrate Alissa's birthday and see their new house- super cute by the way! Today was church, errands, and the Master's/dinner at Megan and Scott's. Fun weekend!

Hoping to have a positive attitude this week at work since it's SC's spring break week and we have a million health checks scheduled. I get out early on Friday for my birthday so I'm super excited for Friday!

Happy Sunday...and sorry no pictures!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Babies galore!

Lots of baby bonding time the past two days!

Saturday evening we headed over to Megan and Scott's to grill out. Molly, Craig, and Emily made it over too, so lots of baby snuggles between she and Gracie Bea.

We got home and Matt promptly fell asleep on the couch while I waited for a load of clothes to dry, then we both hit the bed early. Macie was gracious enough (thank goodness!!!) to let us sleep until 8, and it felt so good. We did our normal Sunday breakfast, church, then lunch. We made a trip in to Savannah afterwards to meet Cassady and Daniel's sweet baby girl, Harper.

We detoured through Pooler so Matt could also pick up his deer head from October of last year.

Grocery shopping, dinner, then my normal Sunday chores. I'm ready for the week! But not really, because bootcamp starts at 5:30 tomorrow morning and my body is going to be madddd at me!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday confessions..

On Thursday one of our patients' dad brought us this...

...and I had a slice. Then he brought a gigantic cheesecake the next day, and I also had a slice...or two.

I didn't do my workout Friday. All I had to do was run 2-3 measly miles, but I refused to muster up the instead I had oatmeal raisin cookies for breakfast. Then I made a beautiful pot of coffee for myself...

...and forgot to drink any.

I got up this morning at 4:15 and was out the door by 4:35 for a race in Charleston...which I will never do alone again. Race went well, but I was just in a fog from getting up so early. My favorite parts were the finish line and the AMAZING fruit selection at the end. It was a point-to-point run, which means I had to take a 25 minute shuttle bus back to the start line, then walk a mile to find my car (I had no idea where it was either, but I acted confident in my direction skills and therefore found it)!

When I was leaving Charleston I couldn't go back the way I came since the bridge was still closed so I had to make a few last minute driving decisions...which led me onto a oneway street with oncoming traffic. Thankfully my trusty xterra knows how to jump medians.

I made myself make it home without any potty stops so I reallllllllly had to go by the time I made it back. This caused me to throw an entire bottle of water into my race bag without the top on. Water everywhere!!

I was also starving when I finally sat down to eat and almost ate half the bag of chips. They are stinking delicious!

Hopefully I don't do any more dumb things today.