Monday, May 2, 2016

Fun in the sun!

Here's a two weekend update--wahoo! Starting with last weekend...

Saturday morning I tried for a solo run, but Morgan refused to nap so she came along. We did 3.1 miles and it felt kinda good! This week did not feel so good--the 2 miles I attempted Friday scarred me for a few days. Yikes. After our run Morgan napped and I sat in the sun for a bit before getting ready and heading into town for some "fun" shopping (aka not grocery shopping), before heading over to the Thomases for dinner. 

Sunday was church, lunch, nap for Morgan, then pool time! I bought a small inflatable pool and she loved it! It was quite boring for Matt and I since all she can do is sit in a lap, but we had fun anyway. She splashed around for nearly an hour and loved watching the dogs jump in and out too!

This past week I worked Monday-Thursday and it kicked my butt! By the time Friday rolled around I was exhausted, and so was Morgan. I didn't feel fully recovered and not quite so tired until yesterday, but at least I feel ready for this week! This weekend we didn't do much, which is exactly what we needed. I ran Friday which zapped my energy for the remainder of the day, so all I did was laundry and vacuuming. 

Saturday morning Matt headed into work for a meeting so Morgan and I went on a 40 minute walk with the dogs. Later on in the afternoon we went to Bluffton for a late lunch with Karmen, then I  swung by the baby boutique but found nothing that I wanted, which was a bummer. Matt and I had dinner and I was a goner on the couch again by 9! 

Yesterday was the usual- church, lunch, grocery shopping. Matt went fishing in the afternoon while Morgan and I piddled around the house, then it was dinner time, bath time, our monthly budget planning time, then bed time for us! Sounds boring, but I love weekends like this! 

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