Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow and my twin

Last week we had a lovely snow/sleet day in SC, which means I called in sick and we had a snow day! Here's what a snow day at our house is in pictures...

Lots of food and treats. I'm quite thankful for the handy hot water dispenser on our coffee maker to make hot chocolate with! Lindsey got to stay with us a few extra days since her flights were getting canceled. She finally made it back to Austin safe and sound Thursday night! Now I need to find cheap plane tickets to Austin so I can see her again...

Friday evening my parents and McKenzie made it into town for a relaxing weekend together. I was exhausted from working Thursday night and getting up super early for a hair cut and then to clean and run errands, so I was a pooper and crawled into bed early. Matt was supposed to get up and hunt Saturday morning, but (thankfully) it was overcast and they canceled :) Dad picked up donuts for breakfast, I went for a long run (8 miles- longest of the year!), Matt and dad visited a jobsite, then they left mom, McKenzie, and I alone for some girl time so they could play golf. We sat around for a bit, then headed to Target for some crayons, coloring book, and movie. Lovin Spoons was our next stop for some delicious frozen yogurt and lots of playing in a car they had set up. And yes, McKenzie and I were twins for the day...and yes, I got dressed after she did and purposefully made us twins :)

I made chicken pot pie for dinner and then we went bowling! I love to bowl, but hate how expensive it is! We played some video games afterwards too; fun times!

Sunday we got more donuts (thanks dad), then all headed over to church. Afterwards we all ate at Guiseppi's before the gang headed back to Augusta. I've been working the last two nights, but then will have Tuesday and Wednesday off! Only 7 more shifts left after tonight...

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