Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It's hot

That's poor Macie only 1/4th through our 1+ mile walk this evening.

Monday and Tuesday I had some super sweet babies at the hospital and had great, fun coworkers in our pod, making the days go by fast- yay!

This morning was a hot and sweaty 5-mile run followed by a few hours at the office...also a nice, decently calm day. I bet tomorrow will make up for it since I'm there all day :)

After I got off at 12:45ish I ran home, pottied Macie, then Matt and I took off to get our marriage license. Contrary to popular belief (or just to me), this was not fun. The lady who I made our appointment with never told me "correct cash amount" only. So she almost refused to see us!! Told us we still had plenty of time before the wedding to take care of it....thankfully Matt was persistent and convinced her to let him go get cash while I finished filling out paperwork. 
Note to the lady "helping" us- be happier!

We rushed off for Savannah for our final premarital counseling session...I enjoyed our meetings, but really didn't like the commute so I'm glad we're done! We also dropped off our guest book to be engraved and picked up Matt's suit. 

Macie and I went on that sticky, sweaty walk and now we're already in bed!

Happy hump day! 
PS- there is a new geico commercial about hump days and camels and it is hilarious!!

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